*Crazy Ex*

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Nicks POV

I was happily in a new relationship with my boyfriend Riley. It's going great there's some bad times but most days it's as good as it can get. "Good morning baby how did you sleep?" Riley said kissing my forehead.

"I slept okay...a few nightmares but yeah" I've been having nightmares ever since I broke up with Marcus. He was really abusive and honestly he broke me down bit by bit.

"I'm sorry to hear that gorgeous...it'll get better I promise my love" he said running his hand through my hair. I smiled and he pulled me onto his lap wrapping his arms around me.

"I love you so much" he said cuddling me tighter "I love you to" I said. Chris soon came into the room and stared at us. "Ummm me and Matt are gonna go out do y'all wanna come with us?" Chris asked Matt appearing behind him.

"I'll go Nick c'mon" Riley said getting off the bed "I don't wanna go" I said. "Sweetie...you haven't left the house in 2 weeks" Matt said,Riley now drew all his attention to me. "I know I'll go out tomorrow..." I said trying to make them not worry.

"You sure your gonna be okay my love?" Riley asked kneeling down in front of me. I smiled. "I'm sure" I said he kissed me "Bye Nick!" Matt and Chris said walking out with Riley.

I heard the front door close as the sound echoed through the house. I laid there on my phone when I heard a knock on the door. I walked downstairs nervously,I unlocked the door thinking it would just be Nate but it wasn't...

"Well we'll well. Hey baby been a long time huh?" Marcus said grabbing my t-shirt. "See you haven't changed much. Still the fatass you are" he said throwing me to the floor.

He grabbed a knife from the draw. A sharp one. "Why are you here...?" I asked my voice cracking from the tears that spilled from my eyes,he walked over to me with the knife and pressed it down hard on my neck.

"Well I'm here for you my love~" he slurred pressing it down harder until thick blood starts trailing down my neck. I let out a spine chilling scream. "Awwww I love hearing you scream my love" he said as he starts putting his hands all over me.

He got on top of me and started touching my below parts and my waist. I was slowly loosing consciousness.

Until he was thrown off of me. I could barely see.

Matts POV

I pulled Marcus off so Nick and Chris started punching him as Riley ran over to Nick. "Hey hey love? Can you heard me?!" He asked panicked,Nick slowly nodded as I grabbed the Medkit and started cleaning the blood.

Chris had Marcus knocked out the threw him outside in the cold. Chris came running over to us and checked Nick for any other injuries. "Alright he seems fine..." Chris said as we brought Nick up to his room.

"Sweetheart? Have you gained back your consciousness?" I asked he nodded and Riley hugged him tight. "Nick can you explain what happened...?" Riley asked kissing nicks hand,he took a deep breath.

"I heard a knock at the door and I thought it would be Nate or something but then he grabbed me then yeah...he got like the sharpest knife and pressed on onto my neck then assaulted me..." Nick explained.

"It's alright my love...that will never happen again alright?" Riley said I was pissed and so was Chris.

"C-can you all stay...?" Nick asked me and Chris sat down. "Of course we can dear" Chris said Nick just smiled as he fell asleep in Riley's arms. "He asleep?" Chris whispered Riley nodded.

"So who's planning the murder?" I asked as their heads shot towards me. "What? If y'all aren't in on it then I'll fucking kill him" I said Chris just smiled "I'm in" we both looked at Riley who looked at Nick,plantings a kiss on his forehead.

"I'm in." He said setting  Nick down. I grabbed 3 sharpest knives from the draw and he was still knocked out. Chris dragged him by the legs and threw him into the basement.

Me and Riley walked down there to see Chris tying him up to a chair. Chris put some tape on his mouth and I just smiled as we waited for him to wake up.

After 20 minutes,he woke up and looked around. "So. You think that you can just fucking assault my boyfriend and their brother?" Riley said pulling a knife out,circling around Marcus with it close to his neck.

Riley ripped the tape off of his mouth. "You guys are sick!" He said smiling "Oh really? So you can fucking assault MY brother and cut him then fucking say we're sick?!" I said cutting his arm. Chris came over and stabbed him through the chest.

He let out a loud scream but we quickly put the tape over his mouth. We all high-fived each other then put the body in a black bag then threw it away.

We all walked back up to Nick who was standing there horrified. "W-what did you g-guys do...?" He asked his voice shaky,Riley just embraced him in a hug me and Chris doing the same. "Don't worry sweetheart. He won't ever hurt you again" I said.

Nick angst Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now