Chapter Two

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Jessy: You guys are such dicks !

Matt: LMFAO your face expression was priceless XD XD

Jessy: its not funny >.<

Josh: well it was April fools what did you expect ? :P

Matt: I've never seen a milkshake fly so high in my life XD

Andy: what did you guys do ?

Josh: We put a spider on the side of her milkshake and she freaked the hell out XD

Jessy: assholes -.-

Andy: that's such a weak prank though.

Matt: yeah but we got the reaction we wanted. :P

Jessy: dicks

Josh: lolololol


Jessy: guys stop it it's not funny anymore

Josh: stop what?

Jessy: it's not funny !

Matt: what's up?

Josh: what are you talking about Jess?

Jessy: come on guys I know it's you, stop it already.

Matt: if your trying to pay us back for the spider thing your doing it wrong.

Andy: you're *

Matt: shut up -.-'

Jessy: I'm about to shit my pants guys


Josh: Jess? What's wrong ? I swear to you I'm not doing anything.

Matt: I'm sitting on the couch see

Matt sent an image

Josh: I'm doing my homework.

Andy: what's going on ?

Josh: we don't know... Jess?

Matt: Jessy thinks we are messing me with her.

Andy: Jess what's going on?

Matt: she's probably trying to scare us as payback :P

Drake: what did I miss ?

Matt: Jessy trying to get us back for prancing her at McDonald's :/

Matt: it's still April fools Jessy we aren't falling for it.

Drake: why what happened?

Josh: Scroll up the convo

Drake: okay

Andy: guys Jessy isn't picking up the phone.

Matt: Lol nice try Jessy, you're still online -__-

Josh: guys this is starting to creep me out.

Matt: don't fall for it yet

Andy: Jessy you better not be fucking around

Matt: guys it's April fools it's obvious -.-'

Drake: I just texted her privately and she's not responding to me either :/

Matt: the girl knows how to act

Josh: I don't think she's acting ._.

Matt: I gtg start on my homework, you can stop now Jessy.

Matt: later

Matt: peace

Josh: Matt hold on I'm actually really worried she's not picking up.

Andy: do you guys know where she is ?

Drake : shouldn't she be at home ?

Josh: I think she's home.

Andy: I'm going to see if she's alright. If this is a joke Jessy I swear to god I'll prank you 3 times as bad.

Josh: she's not online anymore :/

Andy: alright I'll go to her house, someone private message me her address.

Josh: come by my house I'll go with you

: you guys are worrying me. So it's not a joke ?

Josh : it doesn't seem like it

Andy: I'm walking there bro

Josh: fine we'll meet up by the park by the school

Andy: alright cool I'm close by

Josh: I just went out of the house now

Andy: cool, meet you there.

Drake: keep us updated

Josh: we will.

Andy: how angry do you think I'll get if its a prank?

Josh: I honestly don't think it is I have a bad feeling about this.

Andy: I'm by the park, where are you?

Josh: I'm near by

Andy: I'm waiting by the swings

Josh: oOOoo so romantic ;)

Andy: shut up and hurry up already.

Josh: I'm here.


Josh: guys we can't find Jessy.

A/N: Well hey once again ^.^ I hope you liked this chapter, mystery is starting oh yeah baby! What do you guys think happened? Comment below ^_^ don't forget to vote its free and good for you :P

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