author's note.

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hopefully, the pov isn't too hard to follow, I'd describe it as third person with a bit of intermonologing from both sides, but mostly following along with Checo

fun fact: I've tired to count Checo's pecas multiple times; on his nose alone there are at least 20 prominent ones, and then another 30 or so across both sides of his face; you will in fact lose your mind trying to count the rest of the smaller ones – almost like the smaller stars surrounding the constellations; and yes they appear more prominent during the summer due to the sun.

another fun fact: at some point during high school, I told my best friend that his grey-blue eyes were my favorite color in the world, he then proceeded to laugh before giving me a kiss (yo la amiga menos enculada JAJAJAJA)

don't forget to vote/comment/share ☆ thanks for reading.
– d.

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