After I do

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Summary: Lisa and Roseanne Manoban have been happily married for a couple of years, everything was pure bliss... until it wasn't. Roseanne has been hiding something for her wife and it's time to come clean, but Lisa also has some secrets she forgot to confess.

35k+ words

DISCLAIMER: This is an adaptation of an original book by Whitney G.

WARNINGS: G!P and drama, drama, drama...

It's not mentioned but they're probably in their late twenties/early thirties.



"Mrs. Manoban, would you sign this, please?" The delivery man held out a notebook.

"What happens if I don't sign it?"

"Your wife gave me very specific instructions, ma'am. Please sign it." He looked nervous, so I put him out of his misery and signed his clipboard—giving the green-light to the men behind him to bring in my newest set of flowers.

I'd thought that by taking time off from work, Lisa would stop sending them—or at least send less, but she sent more. A lot more.

Once the delivery men finished placing twenty more bouquets into our living room, I picked up today's note:

Dear Beautiful & Sexy Wife,

You were fucking incredible this morning.

I'm looking forward to rounds two and three tonight.

Your Insatiable Wife

PS--If you keep giving the florist problems, I'll start sending you flowers TWICE a day. Every. Day. :-)

I rolled my eyes and smiled, heading into the kitchen. In two days, Lisa would start her official six-month break from Manoban Industries, and we would have a lot more time to spend together.

Thinking I'd surprise her with dinner later, I stood in the kitchen and opened the pantry door, wondering what I should make.

Pasta. Chicken salad. Fajitas. Wraps? I wonder if she'll want Mandarin chicken again.

Before I could decide, I felt Lisa wrapping her arms around me from behind and pulling me close, kissing my neck.

"Good afternoon," she whispered.

"You're early..." I murmured, as she kissed me again.

"Is that a problem?"

I shook my head.

"Were you about to make dinner?"

"Maybe..." I slipped out of her embrace. "Why?"

"Come here." She led me over to the breakfast bar and pulled out a stool. "I'll cook it."

"Thank you. How was your day today?"

"I'm not sure. My wife was supposed to call me back and tell me if she wanted to join me on a trip to Mexico, but she never did. As a matter of fact, she didn't answer any of my phone calls today."

"She was too busy ignoring the florist."

She rolled her eyes and pulled a bottle of wine out of the cabinet. She poured us both a glass and handed one to me. "I need you to go with me, Roseanne. It's the only business trip I can't get out of next month, but I'll make sure we get to tour their oldest winery since you mentioned wanting to see it last year."

"Sounds good." I smiled and looked down at my glass.

For the next hour, I watched her every move as she made entrees that I could only dream of cooking one day. I'd finally accepted that her cooking had improved incredibly and at this point was superior to mine. I had no problem letting her take over whenever she wanted.

Chaelisa Diaries # 1Where stories live. Discover now