chapter Four (everyone meeting the Bean)

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Warning hazbin hotel songs will be used and I will change the lyrics

Also here's some lore Dabi/Touya didn't know that kiego was a hero because Hawks didn't want to hurt him or tell him yet

And R/E=Random enemy

the middle of the night Aizawa was napping while
driving and since shinsou was starting to wake up and he sees that they were about to hit a car so shinsou runs to the driver seat and turns the other way

"Aizawa wake up" shinsou says as he steers the wheel the other way

"What is it?" Aizawa ask

"Keep your eyes on the road " shinsou says as walks back to Denki and leans on his shoulder

Aizawa continues to drive and grabs his coffee

in the morning they were on the hero side

Aizawa grabs the bus microphone and says

"good morning you idiots get off the bus" Aizawa says and everyone starts waking up and yawning and stretch and then they all one by one get off the bus

"Why is it so bright here?" Toga ask

"well this is a new scene compared to the one we are used to so I'm not surprised" Deku says

Shinsou looks at Denki in shock

"What?" Denki ask

" you've been here before right you jirou and Hawks?" Shinsou ask

"Yes but it was at night plus we had masks and hats on"Denki says

"That means You've three seen her no no get back in the bus all three of you"Shinsou orders

" It's my old city so I'm staying " Kiego argues back

Then The pro hero Miriko appears in her Hero suit

"Greetings Izuku Midoriya" Miriko says and reveal a young hero behind her which is Y/n

Y/n squeals and Waves at them

"Hi my name Y/n  but you can can me N/n or N/n or whatever welcome to the hero side " Y/n says and smile warmly at them

This is what Y/n is wearing

P/s:She was on a undercover mission early give the girl a break

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P/s:She was on a undercover mission early give the girl a break

Denki gets a faint nose bleed and Almost passed out if Aizawa didn't step on his foot

Denki wipes his nose bleed and now follows the group as they started.

Y/n was showing them all around the city to the places to the stores and restaurants

They pass present Mic and Endeavor and Midnight

"Hold on what are they doing here?"present Mic ask

villain class 1a x innocent hero reader haremOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora