I knew you too

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Jo started gaining lots of popularity and attention. She kept doing presentations at local bars.

"Thank you once again!" She yelled into the microphone as the crowd cheered and clapped.

"Jo! Jo! Jo!" They started chanting her name as she smiled walking into the backstage.

She was received by two pair of arms. She giggled when she felt them squeeze her.

"You're doing amazing. Everyone's going crazy about you online." Rose spoke and Jo smiled.

"You need to release that song." Nash added and Jo pursed her lips on a smile.

"Actually..." She pressed her index fingers against her lips.

"What?" Nash and Rose asked impatient and Jo chuckled.

"Tell us." Nash put her hands on her shoulders and she laughed.

"It's getting released at the end of the month." She finally let out the news and Nash laughed excited while Rose clapped.

"No way." He spoke and she nodded chuckling. "Oh my God." He picked her up hugging her tightly and she giggled.

Jo's phone rang and she took it out of her pocket as Nash put her down. She smiled when she saw Charles' name on the screen.

"Hey." She answered putting the phone on her ear.

"Mon amour." Charles spoke and she chuckled looking down at the pet name, blushing slightly. "How did the show go?" He asked.

"Amazing." Jo replied sincerely.

"Of course it did. Did you give the news to Nash and Rose about the song?" He asked as he paced around his hotel room.

"Yes." She smiled. "I'm so nervous about it, I'm getting so much attention, it's weird to me." She spoke and Charles chuckled.

"You'll get used to it." He pursed his lips on a smile. "You deserve every spotlight to shine on you."

"Awww." She pouted and Charles chuckled.

"I miss you."

"I miss you too." She held the phone tightly. "How was the flight?"

"Tiring." He replied. "Carlos snores." He scrunched his nose and Jo laughed.

"You should get some rest, practice starts tomorrow." She told him. "Love you."

"I love you too. To infinity." He spoke and Jo smiled.


"Please, it's near. No one will see her, I promise. We'll be discrete." Charles followed Silvia around the garage.

"Charles, it's not up to me." Silvia explained once again.

"Please convince whoever you have to. Please." He put his hands together, begging.

Silvia looked around and took a deep breath passing her hand through her hair. She looked back at the green-eyed boy who was looking at her expectant.

"Fine." She let out and Charles raised his eyebrows.

"Really?" He smiled excited.

"Yeah, I'll try." She shrugged giving in and Charles chucked happily.

"Mamma mia, grazie, grazie, Silvia." He spoke excited and hugged her, she froze just taking it and he walked away with the biggest smile on his face.

Silvia chuckled softly, amused.

"Young love." She muttered to herself before walking away, trying to think how she was gonna get Charles' secret girlfriend to attend the race.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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