The Meeting Of The Sins

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Internally, Mammon groaned. Only one thing for it.

"The whole theatre incident? Water under the bridge. Forgive and forget,"
the words actively pained him
"That's what I always say!"

Bother and drat. Of all the people's stuff  that the little pyromaniac could have burnt, did it really have to be the whole stock of the one person who was stopping him selling MammonTVs™️ in Pride? Now he had to play nice with the kid.

Belphegor blinked at Harry before her eyes turned an unsettling pitch black.
"I recognise your magic... were you the one who drenched my palace?"

Harry winced.
"Oh yeah.. sorry about that..."

The Sin looked astonished.
"Sorry! It was fantastic! Thank you! Tell me, how did you do it? I was unaware water could be summoned by ritual."

Now it was Harry's turn to be astonished.
"Er- thank you I guess? .... it was mostly accidental,  I meant for a bucket of water"

Before Belphegor could comment on that, Ozzie interrupted.

"Right, that brings me nicely round to why Harry is here in the first place. You see, he is a wizard." There was a pause. If he was a wizard that meant..

"But we're in Wrath! If he was a wizard he'd be a Sinner!"
The Meetings were assigned locations on a circular basis, Greed had been last so today's was in Wrath. Sinners couldn't leave Pride unless they had a Royal Boon or a permit, both were rare.

Asmodeus just smiled and let them work it out, Levi was first.

"Asmodeus.  Brother. Tell me you didn't."

"I would.... but lying is Lucy's forte, not mine."

"Didn't what?" Mammon chipped in before his face went blank. "NO. Asmodeus. Ozzie. WHY??"

*What?* Satan wrote on his board.

Asmodeus grinned mischievously. "Harry is my Chosen! Surprise!!!"

In the living room, on the other side of the palace of Wrath

Lilith put down her cup of tea, just in time as a wave of pure anger rippled through the palace, vibrating everything.

Asmodeus's partner, Fizz, looked a bit sheepish.
"I didn't think they'd take it this badly.."
He muttered. Suddenly, she realised what had got Satan so angry.

"Is this about my new nephew?" She enquired "Whatever has he done to annoy Satan so badly?"

Fizz just looked at her. "Well, it might be because of the silencer".....

Back in the Meeting room

The Sins all leant back as Satan's wrath faded.
Harry looked very sheepish.
"If I get rid of the magic will you yell?" He asked diplomatically.

After many furious gesticulations, Satan grumpily wrote
*.. No. Just get rid of it.* and, after a very long and terse pause, he added *please. Nephew."

Many eyebrows were raised in shock. Wonders would never cease.

Harry grinned, paused and waved a hand, an expression of deep concentration on his face. There was a turquoise flash and a cutting sound.

Satan experimentally muttered something, then looked positively jubilant at the sound of his voice. He seemed to think, before reaching out and shaking Harry's hand.

"Under no circumstances do that again, but I have to admit, it is rare anyone can best a Sin and not have it wear off. Well done."

Harry was slightly confused, a minute ago the Sin had been emitting waves, no, tsunamis of anger, and now he was shaking his hand? However he didn't show it and thanked Satan.

Lucifer grinned widely. Three down, one to go. Technically the Sins' permission wasn't needed when choosing a new Chosen, yet it made things a whole lot easier if they all got on.
"So, we're all happy about Harry?"

Levi had been unusually quiet after Harry's easy removal of a magic Satan couldn't remove. Admittedly, the kid had put the spell on in the first place.... But the sentiment remained. Not to mention his hand, Mammon's theatre, Bel's palace... Harry couldn't be older than 5, yet he had performed such powerful magic.. It would be beneficial to have such a powerhouse on his side in the future.

Mammon, Satan, Beezlebub, and Belphegor all agreed, the first with a slightly tense air about him. Then all four looked at Levi. They did not expect him to smile his nicest fake smile at Harry and state

"But of course! It is as Mammon said, water under the bridge. Welcome to the family, dear nephew."

Asmodeus looked suspicious,  but couldn't really complain. After all, they were all in agreement.

As if by cue, all reached in and touched hands. They spoke as one.

"We, the Seven Deadly Sins of Pride, Greed, Wrath, Sloth, Lust, Envy, and Gluttony, do unanimously endorse the appointment of" at this point only Asmodeus spoke
"Hadrian Lily Potter-Morningstar"
Now they were back in sync
"To the official status of Lust's Chosen. We grant him our collective blessing. So mote it be."

There was a swirl of red-green-turquoise-yellow-blue-crimson-chartreuse light that concentrated around Harry for a brief second before vanishing.

Lucifer was rather of the mind that this was too good to be true, no-one was dead, threatened,  tortured or otherwise maimed, and Harry had been unanimously appointed. He decided, therefore, that it was probably best if he ended the meeting before anything unpleasant could happen.

Asmodeus waved goodbye to his siblings and walked through Satan's palace, Harry on his shoulder. Fizz ran into them soon after. He opened a portal and the three stepped through and back home.

Hope you enjoyed! Next chapter will probably be the first timeskip!



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