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This story is about Aslaz after their second night. Asi will give herself to Alaz. Why? Because she will be wanting to end Saffer's life. He ruined them. All the trauma she went through was painful and unforgettable. It continues in the late afternoon/early evening.

After seeing him.... The ring... the face.... Everything around her stopped to make sense. All she did was going to hell. She ran... yes... she did.

There she was in Hell. Scared,.... Shaking..... not able to breath properly.... In pain. Shaking in her boots... fearful for her life.  Trembling. Her biggest nightmare came true. How? When?.... Why? He was finally gone. It took them years to accept what happened and start over. Now he comes again to ruin their lives. The ring is her biggest trauma in life. Seeing that ring was enough to make her relive all the trama's she went trough.  They promised to never talk about it. Thats not what street children did.  They didn't have people that cared for them or loved them.

In the meantime Alaz was thinking about Asi. Because of that he couldn't stay silent. He had to go to the club to talk to her. Alaz had to find a way to make up to her.

He parked  his car in front of the club and walked inside. He saw Tolga there with his dad... " Fuck" If whatever he thought happened, he would be freaking out.

.... It was evening
Tolga walked towards Alaz " Naber?" Alaz just looked at Saffer who was on a call while drinking his coffee. Alaz looked at Tolga "Did Asi come here?"
" Oh yes, but she left quikly"  This was it. Alaz's heart dropped for a second. Poor Asi.... Where would she be? What did she feel when she saw him?

Alaz called asi. Hoping she would pick up. He didn't think she would, but he tried.

She picked up

Alaz went outside
" Asi?"
Her voice was trembling

" what do you want?"
"Ası are you okay?"
" Yes!"
" where are you?"
" Sa na ne?"
She hang up the phone.

" Ughhh" It drove him crazy to know that she wasn't okay! She was in pain and he was not next to her. It broke him...

All he could think of was hell, she would be there

Fiko called. " Fiko?"

" Alaz abi"
" Efendim fiko"
" Alaz abi.... Asi abla told me to not tell anyone, but "
" Fiko is asi there?"
" Yes she is here but she's not okay its better if you come."

Alaz hang up and quikly entered his car to drive to the bottom of hell

Fiko was waiting outside of hell for Alaz. Alaz left his car and ran to fiko. " Is she still here?"
"Yes she is-" Alaz ran away before Fiko could tell where she was. He knew EXACTLY where she could be. Their spot.

Alaz walked to their spot. He saw Asi there sitting on the couch while crying. She was really in pain. Her face gave anxiety, stress and panick. A trembling voice. Red eyes.... Eyebrows pointing at the middle.

Alaz slowly walked to her. He sat on front of her squatted. He then softly grabbed her hands and looked at her. It lowkey triggered her, but it was Alaz.... He was the only one allowed to touch her hands. Even tho he hurted her a lot, she trusted him. With one hand he dried her tears.  She closed her eyes

" asi are you okay?" All she said was " How did you find me? She wasn't even angry. More scared and broken. In fact he would have gone to the bottom of hell anways. Even if Fiko didn't call. "I always end up where I belong to..... I always end up where you are" He softly kissed her hand and stood up.  Instead of asking questions, he sat next to her and reached out to pull her for a hug( just like episode 14 car scene) " gel"  She didn't stop crying. Just went in for the hug. Her arms around his neck while he held her torso with his arm. She was so small... he could have her in his entire hug. Just stroking her hair." Sssh it's okay. Im here. I won't let anyone harm you! Okay?" She just looked at him not saying a single world. Her eyes were filled with so much pain. From where? Or what? He wanted to know what took away the sparkle in those bold brown eyes. So rich and deep.

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