6 - U.A High School

Start from the beginning

Aizawa sighed.

'Why did I decide to become a teacher again?'


— The Warping Hero —


It was a week later that we had the results of U.A Exams sent to our doorstep. After thanking the mailman, I quickly took the envelope containing the results and opened it in my room.

Only to be surprised when a disk-like object fell on the table with a clatter.

The disk-like object then lights up as a hologram appeared in his room. It was then that a short rat-like creature with white fur and a scar on its right eye popped into the screen.

"Hello Akio Kazuya, I'm Nezu, the principal of U.A. High School!" Nezu introduced himself. "I'm happy to inform you that you have passed the U.A. entrance exams with flying colors! With you scoring a respectable 92% on your written exams; as for your practical exams, please take a look."

The hologram quickly changed to an electronic board that held the names and scores of the top 10 examinees.

Name / Villain Points / Rescue Points / Rank

Kazuya Akio / 45 / 35 / 1st

Katsuki Bakugou / 77 / 0 / 2nd

Eijiro Kirishima / 35 / 39 / 3rd

Ochako Uraraka / 28 / 45 / 4th

Ibara Shiozaki / 36 / 32 / 5th

Itsuka Kendo / 25 / 40 / 6th

Tenya Iida / 52 / 9 / 7th

Izuku Midoriya / 0 / 60 / 8th

Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu / 49 / 10 / 9th

Fumikage Tokoyami / 47 / 10 / 10th

"As you can see, you have performed very well, managing to get first place!" Nezu congratulated with a smile on his face. "I'm pleased to welcome you to the hero course of U.A. High School, Kazuya-san! This is your hero academia."

Listening to Nezu, I just had a grin on my face. This was the first step in me reaching my dream. And getting first place? To be honest I didn't expect that at all. I was confident in passing since 45 villain points is a decent amount, but rescue points?

'Looks like I was right. We weren't only judged by our villain scores.'

I looked back towards the hologram that was showing the scores again.

'Top 10 huh? Seems like Shinso didn't make the cut.' Although it was concerning, I didn't put more thought into it since I'm sure Shinso made it through. We didn't work our butts off the past few years only to stop in the entrance exams.

"You will find the details of next school year in a letter inside the envelope." Nezu continued. "Please make sure to send the requested information by next Sunday at the latest."

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