The Unexpected Leader

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Anna stared at her television screen. She had never been very political up until Trump's first term. She hated that man with every fiber of her being. Now, in 2024, she was dreading the Biden vs. Trump path America was headed towards. Even though she had voted for Biden in 2020, she knew he was too old for another term, and he was clearly in a cognitive decline. She knew however he was the only option they had to keep a tyrant like Trump out of the White House. She would show up on November 5th and cast her vote for democracy and hope the Democratic Party would be able to pull him through another term, just 4 more years, to give time to fully convict and prosecute Treasonous Trump for January 6th so he could never run again.

But now things were about to change, and Anna was terrified as she held her breathe anxiously watching as the streaming bar at the bottom of the news updated the viewers on condition of President Biden. The words scrolling along at the bottom in while a news caster mouthed words in silence, undoubtedly repeating the same information they had been all day about Biden's hospitalization. The screen quickly flashed to a podium with a presidential backdrop. Vice President Kamala Harris approached the podium dressed in a dark blue suit. Anna fumbles around looking for the remote. Kamala begins miming a speech. Anna begins to get frustrated as she tosses the blanket, she had over herself around looking for the remote frantically. She was missing what VP Kamala was saying! She flipped the blanket up in an attempt to fan it out and launched the remote to the other side if the living room landing near her cat, Mr. Whiskers, scratching post. She furiously grumbles "Of course!" As she pushes herself up off the couch to retrieve the remote.

She snatches the remote off the ground and points it at the tv as she walks back to the couch pressing the volume up button. Kamala's voice fills the room "and now is the time to make sacrifices for the greater good. Now is the time to protect democracy. Now is the time to come together to defeat a tyrant. Trump wants to take control again and destroy our political system." VP Harris slaps her hand down on the podium. "Today, I stand before you at this moment in our nation's history—a time of profound challenge and significant opportunity. Over the past few years, we have seen the rising threat of Trump and his loyalist. But today, recent developments concerning President Biden's health, has placed our party and our country finding themselves at a crossroads. This moment demands not just reflection but decisive action for the good of our nation. After considerable thought, and with a heavy heart but unwavering conviction, I have decided not to seek the presidency at this juncture. Instead, I will be backing Governor Gavin Newsom to lead our party and our country forward. This decision was not made lightly, but with a deep sense of responsibility towards the values we hold dear and the future we envision for America."

Anna was shocked and very excited all at the same time. She couldn't believe the Democratic Party would pass up the 1st woman of color for President, but she also loved Governor Newsom, who had done an incredible job leading California through the 2020 Covid Crisis and making California the leading state in America.

VP Harris continued "Governor Newsom has proven himself a leader of extraordinary competence, vision, and resilience. Under his leadership, California has made strides in advancing economic equality, environmental protection, healthcare, and civil rights. His dedication to these causes, and to the welfare of every American, aligns with the path we must follow to heal and unite our nation."

Anna almost leaped off the couch. She was ecstatic! "This is a time for us to rally together, to support a candidate who embodies the principles this country needs to defeat a tyrant. Gavin is a leader for such a time, and I fully endorse his candidacy for President of the United States in November. We must demand every member of our party, and all Americans who dream of a brighter tomorrow, to support Governor and future President Gavin Newsom. Together, we will continue the work of building a more perfect America. If we unit, we can win. The future lies solely n you at home t make the best decision for America. In compassion, there is hope. In compassion, there is love. In compassion, there is a future. And in Gavin Newsom, there is a leader who can help us defeat the Republican Party and stop a dictator. The Republican Party wants to see America taken over by Putin and his lapdog Trump!" VP Harris pauses, smiles, and laughs while the crowd cheers. "But we will stop them together!" VP Harris again pauses and seems to bathe in the applause laughing with glee. She continued "The very fabric of our democracy seems under threat, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the forces that seek to divide us. It is easy to feel that the future we dream of is slipping away. But let me remind you that there is one force more powerful than any challenge we face. That force is you!" Applause erupts and Anna can feel a sweeping of joy. She's had many sleepless night's worrying about Trump winning another term and what that would mean for America. He would lead Russian tanks through every major city and destroy our democracy. He would force women who have been raped to carry to full term. He would lead to the genocide of the trans and gay people. Anna shivered at the thought of Trump's America.

VP Harris's voice broke her thoughts "So, as we look forward to November, let us remember what is at stake. Let us rally together, as real Americans, united in our desire to forge a future marked by prosperity and peace. Let us reject the forces of division and hate we see from the Republican Party, and instead choose a path of unity and love. This is our moment. This is our duty. This is YOUR duty! Thank you, America." Again, applause erupts as the VP steps away from the podium waving as she walks off stage.

Anna felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off her tiny shoulders. Over the next few weeks Anna saw an endless stream of pundits dissecting Newsom's appeal, his potential to unify the party, and, critically, his ability to go toe-to-toe with Trump. The facts were compelling: Newsom as the savior who could ensure a Democratic victory. It was a media frenzy, a storm that painted Gavin Newsom as the most overqualified person to ever run for President. Anna knew what her choice would be in November and she would be proud to tell her grandperson's about the time she helped stop a tyrant from destroying America.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 07 ⏰

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