🍕 Oh Pizza Guy!!! // M!Pagos x M!Pizza guy

Start from the beginning

The corners of his mouth bends down into a tiny frown.

"Yeees?! John?!" Yelled back at his worker like his mom was calling for him. He snapped around and stared into the kitchen through its open window.

"Yu've got deliveries coming'n, and they're not go'in to be done with you half ass'in every single wipe! So tsk-tsk! Act like yu're feet's on fire!" The European accent makes it so much irritating than it has to be. John pops his head out into the the frame of [Pizza Guy]'s view where not only one but TWO devastating glares would continue to make each other feel more sick of each other.

"Yeah, whatever! Fetch me one of the orders you pale bastard..." [Pizza Guy] waves off at John.

John ducks down to below and reappears with an average sized pizza box in his hands.

Now into a wizard's voice... "Pleased to grant ya with yu'r quest! Happy travel'in young adventur'a!" John lays the order on the window frame, clearly in reach to [Pizza Guy]. Amidst of doing that, John slowly sinks down from where stood, disappearing magically ✨

"Alright, let's see what kind of pizza lover we got here," [Pizza Guy] snatches the box. His other hand pulls the lid open, and without any more hesitation or whatsoever, "Huh? Some simple bastard ordered the plain pepperoni pizza? You could've gotten something else other than this, I mean.. come on... we've got...?"

He'd look up at the menu above him and see the label glowing in neon red, 'TRY OUR NEW CRUST PIZZA. NO TOPPINGS, NO SAUCE, NO CHEESE, AND NO REFUNDS'

"Oh." The lid drops down.

"Yeah! 'Oh.'! Now go get a' assistant! There's a Rainfest for-"

"'Get this! Get that!' Why's this a mandatory rule? We're independent, John!"

John doesn't have an answer for once. He stayed relatively quiet before reemerging from his position. His hands shot up into the air beside his shoulders.

"Do what ya what. I don't give one single hot take about yu and these 'Entities'." He shrugs and walks away, presumably to the oven to start baking more pizzas.

[Pizza Guy] turns around and walks through the opening next to the counter, his head slouched down as he got further enough, "...'I don't give one single hot take about yu and these Entities'..." he mimicked mockingly.

He turned around again and flipped off the entire restaurant, then proceeded to return back to his 'journey'.

As he read the receipt on the box's lid, the address that was stated was outside of the mall somewhere in the first floor of an apartment complex called 'Stay-N-Out'.

Making his way through the second floor of the mall, then taking the escalator down and into the first floor where he then pushes through crowds to make it out of the maze.

The doors slid away from each other and the bright light radiated into [Pizza Guy]'s eyes, blinding him for a streak moment; he shrieked at the top of his lungs, and everyone stopped and stared at him... He coughed into his arm, excusing himself for what's he done.

Much wasn't said after that embarrassing performance done by no other than [Pizza Guy] himself, hm-hm!

Buuuuut shortly after, witnesses went on and minded their own business again with the memory of some strange pizza delivery guy who yelled at the top of his lungs because he was hit by the sun's rays after not exposing himself to it for who-knows-how-long. Ah yes, generations will tell this event for years and decades...

🔞 SHARKCO x Reader/Character \\ ONESHOTS 🔞Where stories live. Discover now