chapter nine; deja vu

Start from the beginning

sunster ☀️
dylan got cast in ysnitmb
i totally understand if you don't
wanna do it anymore
or i can ask my dad to find someone

ari baby 💜
i would die
sorry ! ❤️❤️

may 💋
yk what it's fine
we ended on good terms

sunster ☀️
i'm so sorry i literally found out 2
minutes ago

maya 💋
it's ok sun i promise

momo 🌸
anyways by the time you see him
you'll have another whole ass bf

ah yes the best revenge is being

maya 💋
ok im done byee

I WOKE UP the next morning to the sun beating down on my face, the curtains still open from the previous day. The warmth embracing the room made me smile. Among other things.

Walker and I had gotten back to the hotel at 2 in the morning. Time flew by as we sat by the beach, talking about everything and anything we could. It was perfect; he was perfect. I would remember that night forever, all too well.

When I finally got out of bed, I showered, dressed in a comfortable outfit, did my makeup and left my room. I had planned to go for a walk, as it was presumably too early in the morning for any of my night-owl friends to be awake.

Vancouver, in the morning, was bustling and alive. It was one of those rare, warm summer days, a light chill still in the air as the snowy mountains loomed over us in the distance in a protective manner. Sundays were my favourite day, the transition back into a schedule of a working week, the calming walks and the rejuvenation of organisation.

Rugged up in my puffer jacket to hide from the sea breeze, I entered a small cafe on the corner of the block. The walls were covered ceiling to floor with books of all colours and ages, candles of vanilla and cinnamon were burning and a soft tune of marjorie by taylor swift was playing in the air. I sat down at a small round table at the window and ordered cinnamon latte.

In those quiet, serene, moments, I found that thoughts came to me in more clarity. As I watched the world go by outside, fathers and daughters playing around, couples cozying up together, I realised that I wanted that more than I let myself think.

Momona was right. It was high time I moved on from my past relationship. But I wasn't sure I could move on from the big whole in my life that was my father.

My father and I never had a good relationship. To be fair, my father never had a good relationship with anyone. He was cruel and malicious, and when he was gone, it was then I discovered what I had missed out on. His actions had scarred me for life. I didn't like to think about him often, but every now and then, in moments like these, he consumed my thoughts. I hated to admit it, but sometimes I wondered what life would be like if he was still here, and he was different. Marina would be here as well.

I sipped on my coffee as I picked a book off the shelf beside me. Love and other words, it was titled. I'd recognised the book, I'd even had it recommended to me. Naturally, I began to read it. Soon, I was sobbing in a book store.

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