𝐱𝐥𝐢. icy glares

Start from the beginning

"Is," Lacy whispered as she tapped on her shoulder. Isabel drug her eyes away from her girlfriend and over to her best friend. Though, Lacy wasn't looking at her. Instead her eyesight was trailing off into the crowd, making it hard for Isabel to pinpoint exactly where she was glancing.


"Look." She didn't point but inclined her head into the direction that she was wanting the girl to look in. "Why is she staring at you like that? Do you know her?"

Isabel squinted her eyes, a scowl replacing the smile on her face as she locked eyes with Allie Monroe. She was seated in the Iowa State student section, surrounded by random students and big posters. And despite being far away from each other, Isabel could still see this iciness in her gaze.

Allie gave no reaction when Isabel finally looked her way. Her sight had been set on the girl as soon as she saw her taking the steps. It only further pissed her off when she realized Isabel was heading straight to the seat next to Kate's family. That should be her—not Isabel.

Isabel tore her gare away when Allie turned to whisper something to her friend beside her. "That's Allie," She sighed.

"That bitch?" Lacy asked loudly, eyes wide.

Kennedy leaned over Isabel, looking between the two friends curiously. "Who are we shit talking? We all know I'm nosey, so spill!"

Isabel laughed, watching as Caitlin drained a three to open up the game. She waited until the crowd quieted back down to start talking again, that way Kennedy would be able to hear her clearly. "There's a girl over there in the student section that Kate used to 'mess around with'." She threw up air quotation's around the last part, since technically Kate and Allie never were official.

"Ew." Kennedy's face scrunched up.

"Not like that," Isabel clarified quickly, though she had a humorous undertone. "I'm not calling your sister a slut or anything." Kennedy only shrugged. "It's just that before we got together, her and Allie were kinda seeing each other— that's her name, by the way."

"Allie.." Kennedy sat in thought, mulling over the name. "Yeah, no, Kate's never mentioned her before. Not that I can remember, at least." Isabel smiled at that. "So why exactly do we not like her?"

All three girls stood up to cheer obnoxiously loud as Kate made the layup for an and 1. She drained the free throw before Iowa State's coach called a time out. Kate everyone a nod of her head as she took her seat in the team huddle. However, the sight of Isabel's slightly angry expression made her wonder what had gotten the girl upset.

"For multiple reasons," Lacy chimed in.

"We all thought she was cool at first," Isabel said, "Except for me, but that's probably because I was just jealous."

"Didn't you have a boyfriend?"

Isabel's face flushed, "Austin, yeah, but we don't talk about him. He was a cheater and the worst part of my life."

"Oh, babe, I'm sorry," Kennedy frowned, laying a comforting hand on Isabel's shoulder. "He's a piece of shit."

The two girls nodded—Lacy nodding rather ferociously. "Yeah, he is. Anyways, the night that Kate and I first kissed, it was after one of their home games and we were all out to eat. Allie, reason unknown, tagged along with us. So, after Kate and I came out of the bathroom, Allie noticed my lipstick on Kate's mouth—oops!"

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