"About- uhm, you know what?"

Myra was being unclear Rafe thought, and fuck his skin hurt so bad underneath her touch. She was being kind and taking her time to clean it up for him, yet it still hurt more than he liked to admit. But she looked pretty in the dim light of the bathroom, his eyes got stuck on her as he looked up from his wound. There was something about her that was so unlike anything he had ever seen or experienced before, he just couldn't put his finger on what. She was different from the kook girls he was used to at least. Myra's eyes soon met his and she looked at him in a questioning manner, pulling him out of his long train of thoughts. "What?" Rafe asked, furrowing his eyebrows as he tried his best not to focus on the pain. Myra looked conflicted as she threw the wet paper towel away. "You know" she mumbled, turning back towards him. "I don't actually" Rafe spoke, eyeing the small girl, "please enlighten me"

Myra seemed just as conflicted as the uncomfortable conversation went on. She sighed, returning her focus back onto Rafe's wound. She continued to clean it as she felt her hands began to tremble slightly. Rafe was staring her down as he awaited his answer. He couldn't seem to keep his eyes off of her. He wasn't willing to let it go either, Myra soon realized that. So with another sigh she gathered her thoughts and let her words spill out into the world, the question that she desperately wanted a answer to. Or more so she needed it.

"Did you and Barry argue over drugs?"

Myra looked up, seeing Rafe gaze away. He clenched his jaw, seemingly unhappy with the question she had just asked him. Myra could see Rafe grit his teeth ever so slightly as he stayed silent. He was unwilling to answer, as he often was when it came to things like this. He didn't want Myra to get involved in his business, it was for the best. "Just tell me the truth" Myra added, as she finished cleaning the wound. Rafe snapped his head back towards her, his blue eyes scanning over her with some kind of darkness lingering within them. "Fine yeah, it was a cocaine thing" he muttered, shrugging his shoulders, "it's not a big thing"

Myra knew that there probably was something more to it, more than it being just simply not a big thing. However she let it go, gently pulling Rafe's sleeve down, concealing his wound from the world. Much as if it never happened. Myra wanted to ask Rafe if he was okay, but she held back. She didn't want to offend him, even though she meant well. Rafe didn't want to be coddled by Myra, he saw himself as stronger than that. He was the one that was supposed to protect her if anything happened, not the other way around.

"Alright, I need to head back to work" Myra mumbled after a while, clasping her hands together as she backed off a little. Rafe watched her intently, taking notice of her every move. "Already?" he asked, the smirk from before slowly finding its way back onto his lips. He leaned his back against the porcelain sink once more, his gaze flickering up and down. Myra gulped, feeling exposed underneath his wandering gaze. A moment of silence found it's way in between the kook boy and the pouge girl, but it wasn't the same kind of comfortable and gentle silence as usual. The small bathroom was quickly filling up with loaded tension. Electricity drawing them together. Rafe's gaze trailed up Myra's small frame, eyeing each and every inch of her body before their eyes met. He smirked a little wider, tilting his chin up. Myra parted her lips, feeling her heart beat throughout her whole chest. Rafe pushed himself off of the sink, getting closer to the younger girl. "Stay a little longer" he spoke lowly as he placed his hands on her hips, skin, "I'm sure they won't miss you if you're gone after few minutes"

Rafe trailed his hands up towards her neck, his fingertips gently grazing her skin. Myra felt her chest tighten, as if the air within the small bathroom was running out. She had felt that way a handful of times before, usually in connection to a strong sense of panic. It most often happened whenever shit would go down with her father, but that always felt way scarier. This time it felt exciting. Surely Myra still felt a hint of panic rush through her veins, but it was accompanied by a way stronger feeling of something new. Something not only exciting but yearning, something that made her want to stay as close to Rafe as she possibly could. She got a feeling that he could sense it, for as she looked up she saw him staring down at her. He looked pleased as his fingertips pressed against her jaw.

THE PICTURE OF YOU -rafe cameron-Where stories live. Discover now