Thirty Minutes In Heaven While Blindfolded - Jeremiah Fisher

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  Not even three seconds after the door is closed, and the chick is moaning her fucking head off, making most of the partygoers laugh and wolf whistle. "Looks like those two will be an hour! Let's get the next couple up in here!" The host smirked, making the room fill with sounds and shouts of agreement. "I think my man, Jeremiah, should go next!" He said, pointing at us, making the group whistle and cheer, "Man, I'm good, dude," Jeremiah shrugged, shaking his head with a cheeky grin and a small blush on his cheeks.

  "Awe, don't be like that!" The host playfully pouted, "Jeremiah! Jeremiah! Jeremiah!" He started to chant, the whole room joining him except us. Jeremiah gave me a look, raising his eyebrows, making me sigh and give him a subtle nod, knowing he wanted to play. He smiled and stood up, "Alright, alright!" He said, playfully acting like he was dreading it, but the mischievous smirk on his face showed it was fake. As soon as he walked over to the host, the room cheered briefly.

  "So, take your pick! Who's the lucky lady or lucky gentleman who gets to touch this hottie tonight?" The host teased, making Jeremiah scoff and jokingly shove him while the partygoers whistled and cheered. Some of the girls were trying to push up their chests to make their breasts look bigger while applying lipgloss or lipstick, and hell, some were spreading their legs, biting their lips, and trying to eye-fuck him. I rolled my eyes again, the amount of sass coming from me was almost imitating.

  Jeremiah grabbed a card that the host was presenting that I hadn't seen before, so I quirked my brow up in interest to see how this was going to help him pick out someone. "Queen of hearts! The grey couch!" The host called, facing me, making my eyes widen. I was the only person on the grey couch. All eyes were on me. "Alrighty, Emo! You're the lucky lady! C'mon up!" He cheered as Jeremiah was obviously hiding a laugh.

  I hesitantly got up and walked over, hands in my hoodie's pockets. We were shown the two bags and I gulped, seeing that I couldn't really see what was in the bag, meaning whatever we got was what we got and we couldn't change that. I picked out the slip of paper, "Thirty minutes!" The host called, making the room cheer. And then Jeremiah pulled out a....

  A fucking blindfold?!

  Are you fucking serious?!

  The room filled with cheers and wolf whistles as the host held up the black cloth before handing it back to Jeremiah, "Jere, do the honors," he said, gesturing to me, making me shoot him a glare. Jeremiah sent me a small, apologetic smile before stepping behind me and wrapping the fabric around my head, tying it securely. "Can you see anything?" The host asked, "Nope," I grumbled, making Jeremiah quietly chuckle. I rolled my eyes underneath the blindfold, not believing that this was real.

  This seems like a thing you'd find on Wattpad.

  Don't ask how I know that😳

  "You guys will get to use my guest room," The host said while a pair of hands rested on my shoulders and started to gently guide me somewhere, "Thirty minutes start as soon as this door closes," I heard a door open and all the sudden, the door closed when I was a few feet into the room, "Time starts now!" I heard the host call from outside the door.

  "Y/n, I'm... I can't! This is so fucking funny," Jeremiah started laughing, making me blush deeply at the sound of his deep voice, "Like, what are the fucking odds of me getting in here with you right after you said you wanted to go home?" I giggled at his words, keeping still, as I couldn't see where he was or... Anything, really; thanks to the damn blindfold.

  Soon his laughter died down and there was a silence, which wasn't normal to have with the social butterfly. Just as I was about to say something, I felt his gentle, large, warm hands take my wrists and pull my hands from my pockets, taking my hands in his, his thumbs caressing my knuckles. He slowly swayed our hands a little, "You know, I've always liked you," He whispered, making my blush deepen.

The Fischer Brothers - TSITP x Reader StuffsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang