All Eyes On You

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"I don't know why I'm so nervous." Taylor admitted to him, her blue eyes piercing straight through to his heart even from so far away and through a phone screen. "I've been in this position so many times but I don't know, it's always nice to just feel like your work paid off, like it's appreciated."

"Of course," he started, "but at the same time you have to remember that art is subjective and I think you know that the people you do it for, they appreciate everything you do. So even if tonight doesn't go the way you want, the way I think it will, you've just got to keep some perspective."

Often he found himself questioning if the things he said were what she needed from him but the soft sigh and smile on her face told him that maybe she'd needed a minute to give herself some breathing room. To relieve some of the pressure she so often seemed to place on herself. 

"What are you doing right now?" She asked, leaning in towards the camera, her chin propped on her hand. 

"We're uh...we're all about to head out actually. They're just finishing loading up the plane. You leaving soon?"

"Yeah, hair and makeup touchup in a few and then the car should be here. Hopefully this rain will stop soon, otherwise this is going to be a hot mess." Her eyes drifted upwards and he assumed she was staring out some window wherever she was. 

"You look gorgeous by the way. I'm an asshole for not leading with that." Her cheeks deepened in color as she thanked him for the compliment. "You know how I feel about that red lipstick though." He smirked and she couldn't bite back her laugh. It had become a bit of an inside joke between them. How much he loved her signature lip color, and especially how much he loved the challenge of kissing it off. 

"Wish you were here." She smiled sadly at him. He and Taylor were both acutely aware of how busy the other was, especially now with him set to play in the Super Bowl, that didn't make missing out on each other's big moments any less difficult. Travis was supportive in his nature. He wanted to be there for everything and that just wasn't feasible. She understood,God, she more than anyone else he had ever been with understood what it was like, but that didn't mean they denied themselved their feelings when one wished things were maybe just a little less complicated. 

"I hate I'm missing it too, sweetie. This is such a big night for you and I wish I could be there to support you."

"Knowing you would be here with me if you could is enough." She promised. "I'm so proud of you and all you've accomplished this year. I can't think of any better reason for us not to be able to be together tonight."

"Next Sunday seems so far away." He offered, revealing a bit of his vulnerability. He missed her. That always seemed to be the case anytime she wasn't by his side. 

"It'll be here before you know it. You'll be on the field, covered in confetti and I'll race right down there to you. It'll be like some kind of rom com reunion."

"Well, I mean we are writing the script for the greatest one of all time."

"Without a doubt."

"You know though, Tay. I don't want you to feel pressured...that's such a long flight after so many shows. If you couldn't make it, I'm just saying I'd get it. You wouldn't be dissappointing me."

"Trav, shut up." She laughed. "And I mean that in the nicest way possible. One of the best things about what we have is the way we show up for each other. Is it a long flight? Yes. Is there a possibility something could prevent me from leaving on time? Also yes. But answer me this, do you really want me there?"

"Of course I do, Tay. I want everyone I love there. But you..."

"No buts." She interrupted. "If you want me there, I want to be there. I love you and I'll move mountains, or cross oceans, or do whatever it is I have to do, to be there for you. I want nothing more that to celebrate at the summit with you."

He'd always been a bit of an emotional guy, wearing his heart on his sleeve and her unwavering support and faith in him pulled right at his heartstrings. 

Around him, his teammates stood and began to move towards the door that led out to the plane. A clear sign they'd called for them to board even though with his airpods in he had missed the announcement. Taylor must have noticed because she asked him if it was time for him to go and he reluctantly gave her a nod. 

"I love you, Tay. Tonight's your night to shine, go get your hardware and I'll keep working on mine."

"I love you, too. Will you be watching?"

"From the minute we land." He promised, blowing her a kiss that she returned before they finally ended their call and he followed after his team towards their plane and their date with destiny. 


Travis spent the whole plane ride desperately wanting to pull out his phone and catch every glimpse of his girlfriend he could. He had a duty to his team as a leader however and so he tried to be present. Moving to the bar in the plane he ordered a glass of scotch and downed it as he mingled with his teammates and begged the over three hour flight to pass quickly. By the time the landing gear finally hit the tarmac in Las Vegas he was ready to go. 

He was barely in his seat on the team bus as they headed for the hotel before he had a livestream of the event pulled up on his phone. The timing couldn't have been better as just as the video started working they called for one of Taylor's categories, Best Pop Vocal Album of the Year. The smile on his face grew as they called her name and she went up to accept her award. His attention was pulled away though as he heard other cheers around him from some of his teammates. Creed who was sitting behind him leaned around his seat to pat his shoudler. "Hell yeah, man. She's kicking this week off right." 

Pride swelled in his chest as he glanced around and realized that more than a few of his teammates seemed to be also watching the stream. 

"You watching too, big guy?" He asked Creed.

"Hell yeah, gotta cheer on my poptart plug. Did you know about the new album?"

"Yeah, I've heard some of it. She didn't think she was going to get to announce it tonight. Thought she'd have to do it at her next show. She thought she wouldn't win anything tonight."

"Well, she should've known better." 

Travis couldn't keep the grin off his face. Anytime Taylor came up short for an award he heard the collective groans and "she was robbed" remarks. It filled him with joy to know that his football family had accepted her into the fold. He'd brought other girls around but none had ever been this welcomed. Taylor had that kind of aura about her, the kind that made everyone feel like they were the most important person in the world in their shared moments with her. It was addicting and it was one of the first things about her he had fallen in love with. 

When they'd made it to their hotel and Travis was tucked away in his own room, after a thunderous cheer with his team as they'd watched her win Album of the Year he lay awake waiting for her call. 

He didn't let his phone ring long when her picture appeared. A second, maybe two and then he was lavishing her with congratulations and praise. Telling her how practically his whole team had come together to cheer for her. The blush of her cheeks and pride in her eyes made everything worth it. 

"I honestly can't believe it. Never did I think I would win tonight."

"Yeah, well you're the only one, baby."

They talked for awhile, him letting her gush over the performances she'd seen that night and the friends she hadn' seen in awhile that she'd been able to catch up with. She only slowed when he found himself unable to stifle a yawn. 

"Aw, I'm sorry honey. I know you're tired and have a big week ahead of you. I can let you get some sleep."

"No, no. I'm good baby I want to hear the rest of what you have to say." He said, rubbing his eyes and trying to wake himself back up. He didn't want her to think she was boring him. 

"You've got a full week ahead and you've got to hold up your end of the deal. I got my hardware, you've gotta go get yours."

He couldn't help but grin. "Alright, well you have fun at the after party. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Sounds good. I love you."

"I love you too, sweetie. Good night."

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