All around me, people had appeared and were walking every which way. I kept trying to move out of everyone's way, but eventually they all starting walking through me, as if I was a ghost.

"Don't worry Emry, they can't see you. We're inside my memories" Osiris had mentioned. I nodded. I observed everything around me.

Osiris grabbed my hand and guided me through the crowds of people. We walked for what seemed like miles but only in a matter of minutes.

We stood before a rather large tree. I looked and it seemed to go on and on forever. It touched the clouds.

"What is this?" I asked, staring up in awe.

"Are you familiar with the story of Adam and Eve?"

I scrunched my brows, "the story from a muggle religious text? How does that pertain to this?"

"In the story, Adam and Eve live in a ideal paradise, given to them by their god. But their god gave them one condition. Do not eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge" he said. I looked at him and then back to the tree.

"This is the tree of knowledge?" I questioned. Observing the tree closer.

"Indeed it is. But it holds a lot more to that than just forbidden fruit. This is the center point for all ley lines that exist in this world". Osiris guided me closer to the tree, placing my hand on it.

"Feel the power running through it. The tree of knowledge was meant to be shared with all humans, but the selfish god forbade the first humans from accessing it, fearing the power they could possess" I felt my body warm and the power inside me grow. It felt like pure energy. Why would anyone want to keep people from such power?

"This is where you and the 12 harnessed magic isn't it?" I whispered.

"Indeed it is, let me show you the moment we all latched onto it" and within a blink of an eye, 12 people appeared.

I watched as the scene in front of me unfolded.

"Look, there's a younger me" Osiris pointed excitedly. A young man who looked just like him was among the group.

They all gathered around the tree, grabbing at the trunk. Stands of golden light appeared.

"What's happening, Osiris?"

"This is when we first figured out how to harness the pure energy from the ley lines. We had all been studying the tree for weeks after we had discovered it glowing on a full moon. We had heard stories from people, about the myth of the tree of knowledge. Most said it was lost over time. But the Makers of Light were determined to set out and find it"

I listened as I watched the group of men wrap the strands around their hands and arms. I watched amazement.

I looked back over to Osiris, "I don't understand, how did you guys know what to do?"

"It was a feeling, as if our subconscious knew what we had to do. We absorbed so much of the energy, it fused with our very being, making us into the first wizards"

"So how does this correlate with my true purpose? As much as I enjoy learning about how magic came to be, I need to know how this is going to affect me"

"How about I fast forward this memory" and with that, he waved his hand. The scenery changed.

All 12 men were sitting around a fire. It was night. The glowing flames illuminated their face.

"Listen closely to them Emry" he instructed. I nodded, walking closer to them so I could hear their conversation.

"Caliban, you cant seriously be suggesting, we keep this power to ourselves? It was meant to be shared with everyone. It can advance humans far beyond what we can imagine".

"Osiris, keeping this power to ourselves is what will allow us to take control. We can become kings- even better than that. We will be gods".

I watched intently as Osiris argued with this caliban guy.

"Do you even hear yourself? We are mere men that have stumbled across this power. Who are we to become gods as we have done nothing worthy to earn that title?" He countered. The conversation was getting heated. Before they could lunge at each other, another stepped in.

"Wait! Before you guys cut at each others throats, I'd like to propose an idea that could counter both sides to your arguments" both men stopped and looked at him.

"Well go on then Alexander, what is it?" Caliban nudged him on.

"What if we select a few out of the ton to be granted this light?"

"And how are we to determine who is to be selected?"

Alexander thought for a moment, "all 12 of us spread across the continent, across the globe, picking people as we travel"

I looked to Osiris, "so you wanted to share magic with the world while caliban wanted to keep it all to himself?" I curiously asked.

"Yes, and when we scattered around the world, he shared none of it. But between the rest of us, we created enough witches and wizards that set the foundation for your modern day magical society"

He waved his hand and we were back in the never ending white room.

"Are you starting to understand your purpose Emry?" I took a second to think about it.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid not" I answered truthfully.

"I want you to carry out my original plan. Share the magic with everyone. Let there be no more distinctions between muggle and magical folk"

"How am I to do that?"

"You are a direct descendant to me. My direct bloodline, my heir. You possess the power to give and take magic" i quirked my brow at him.

"How am I your heir? You're my ancestor, but there's no way I can be your direct heir".

I then thought about it. Earlier he had called me the forgotten child. What did that mean.


"That is another story for another. For now, you must wake up Emry"

"What? No-"

Everything went black. I was left with more questions than answers.

Authors not:

Ooohhh, a cliff hanger!

What are your thoughts?

What do you think of Emrys power ?

What do you think Osiris meant ?

See you guys in the next chapter!

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