Introductions for Our Lovely Readers

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*everyone appears into the room, most of them looking sleepy, disheveled, or confused. Only Philomena and Victoria look good enough for public.*

Mara: Alright, today you will officially introduce yourselves to the public! You will start gaining your supporters who will stick with you through this contest! I'm sorry to disturb you at night, but that's just how it is.

Sophos: *combs his hair with his fingers* I go first!

Mara: No thanks.

Sophos: Aww, why not?

Mara: Because you are kind of a bitch... excuse my language. But I'm only being honest.

Victoria: So who's going first then? And I don't blame you, although using harsh language towards him will only enable rather than hurt him, if that's what you were going for.

Mara: You. You are going first, because you are decent.

Sophos: Hey, now that's not—

Mara: swats him away with her hand Yeah, yeah I get it, it's not fair, blah blah blah. Go cry about it. The whole world does not revolve around you.

Hadrian: Damn, what's gotten into you? Uh, good night I guess? Except nobody is sleeping? I don't see the point in this either. I have to share that money if I get a supporter. I opt out.

Mara: *sigh* You can't opt out, you have to do it. But I promise, it can be short. You have to sell yourself though. Be convincing enough. *turns to Victoria as Hadrian glowers in the background and Sophos whispers to a confused Marigold about him*

Mara: Let's have Victoria introduce herself with a few more details, like interests and birthdays or whatever she'd like to share. Sophos, stop talking to people please. Even if she does happen to be connected to Rafal, in a distant way. Well, not really. Her father was.

Victoria: I, uh, well I can't really reveal too much about myself, because of that one spoiler rule you put in place. But all I have to say is, I don't know how I got here and I'm vampiric. The night hours don't bother me. They are literally the only times I can function decently. Haha.

Sophos: That sounds funny, actually.

Mara: You are not allowed to talk right now, sweetie. Cope and seethe.

Sophos: Hey–

Hadrian: I agree, my false brother keeps running his mouth when nobody asks him too.

Rafaella: He isn't your brother though. He certainly isn't mine. *she shrugs* Then again, what can I say? Maybe we are mistaken after all, and this rat is related to us.

Kieran: Rat? Please speak for yourself.

Sophos: *to Kieran* I like you! You seem to be a man who knows business, unlike these total losers.

Mara: Okay, can we please get back to business? I really don't want to lose sight of the task at hand right now. Victoria, why do you think you can win?

Victoria: I'm not trying to win anything. I'm just here to make sure Sophos isn't up to some ridiculous nonsense, you know, and to look out for some enemies. *eyes Virgil* Besides, if anybody gets too close I can bite them and give them blood loss. Well, maybe not because that's probably not allowed.

Armand: It should be. I discovered I couldn't use my magic.

Mara: So there's no foul play, idiot.

Sophos: Why are you so mean?

Mara: I'm only mean with people like you.

*takes a deep breath*

Mara: I want you to restart your introduction, Victoria. I felt as if it could be better, and some people interrupted you.

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