005. Damian Priest 2/2

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Damians POV

I walked into The Judgment Day's locker room, getting ready for my match. But I noticed the atmosphere felt different. Dom and Finn were mostly quiet. They were never this way before?

"Guys tell me whats up why are you two so quiet?" I asked.

Dominik scratched his head as Finn opened his mouth to answer me.

"Look man we'll talk after the promo," Finn and Dominik both walked past me as I stared at them in shock.

After the promo , me , Finn , and Dominik walked back stage. Back to our locker room. I tried not to let my confusion get into the way of the promo, but I ofter found myself zoning out whole thinking about it. They had never acted this way towards me , so what made their feelings change?

I sat down on the locker room bench as I waited for Finn and Dominik to talk.

"Look we know about the Y/N situation..," Dominik spoke first.

"And we dont think what you did was valid man , I mean did you know what happened to her mom that day, and the fact you put the weight of a breakup on her is just cruel.." Finn chimed in.

I felt confused.

"What happened with her mom?" I asked.

Dominik sighed as he began to speak.

"She got into a car crash — A drunk driver is what she said."

"Look the only reason we know this is because Rhea told us about. After she texted Rhea about the breakup, and she repeated what you said— she just broke down man," Dominik had a sour look on his face , meanwhile Finn turned away from them both.

Then the realization hit me. Thats why her eyes were so red. She had been carrying a hard weight in her shoulder. And when I broke up with her , that was just the cherry in top. A heavy weight of guild filled my mind as Finn and Damian told me what had happened. By the end , I knew I had to talk to her. Make things right. That was the least I could do, I thought to myself.

Readers POV

I layed in bed , curled up as a thick blanket covered my body, when I heard a key unlock the front door. My face morphed into confusion as I sat up from my curled up position in the bed. Soon enough I heard the door to now my own bedroom creak open. I felt my stomach drop as I saw a worried face. His face.


He didn't understand how you felt until he saw it. When Damian had walked into the bedroom , he first saw your worried and confused expression. Your eyes were bloodshot red and had darker spots under your eyes.

"W-why are you here?" You asked. Your voice was shakey. Fragile. Like you could break any minute.

As you looked down, Damian came closer to your sitting figure. His hands found its place on both sides of your head. Making you look up at him.

"I came to apologize. I didn't know it was this bad — and I really messed up. I just want you to know it was a mistake. Ive been a mess these few days and I thought about coming back.. I did and when Dom and Finn told me what happened I knew I had to come back".

"I know i messed up, just please ill do better this time. Im so sorry." He finally completed his rambling as a tear rolled down onto your cheek.

"I don't know if I could trust you so easily, b-but ill try. I just need you to regain my trust. Day by day." You replied as Damian blinked away the tears that threatened to drop from his eyes.

"I wanna make it up to you even if its little." He said.

He opened his mouth to speak again. "Cmon let's go eat dinner , and we could take a bth if you would like to?"

I nodded as a sign of okay , and he went downstairs to get the food for us ready. A small smile found its way to my face as I finally felt joy enter my body. I was happy to finally have Damian back. You felt better already.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐉𝐮𝐝𝐠𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt