[ 022 ] voluntarily exiled.

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             THE MORNING SUN AND the chirping of crickets roused the group of girls from their deep slumber the next morning

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THE MORNING SUN AND the chirping of crickets roused the group of girls from their deep slumber the next morning. The realisation that they had passed out where they last stood the night before hit them as their heavy eyelids peeled open, revealing the sight of the doomcoming. All of the torches had now burned out. Their tongues felt incredibly heavy, the inside of their mouths dry and talcum-like. A dull ache swarmed the back of their heads as they all stumbled to their feet. Any and all exposed skin was caked in dirt.

          Wordlessly, all of the girls began to plod through the woods, heading in the direction of the cabin. No one wanted to utter a word, lest they bring up what they had gotten up to the night prior. Feigning ignorance was their unspoken go to action. Leaves crunched beneath the weight of their feet as they slowly traversed through the trees. They had even passed by a pissed off Natalie as they walked, though the blonde hadn't been in a talking mood either.

          Tired expressions were worn by their friends, the ones who had actually managed to return to the cabin before they passed out. Plaintive glances were exchanged amongst the group of girls.

           Coach Scott, who seemed utterly oblivious though of course he would be due to the fact that he had spent the entire night away from them and had then managed to avoid witnessing just how crazed a group of high school girls could get while drunk, let out a sigh of relief at the sight of them. "Hey. I uh, boiled some drinking water, if you guys are as hungover as I am." He offered to them with a small chuckle.

           Shauna peered around the outside of the cabin and took quick notice of a certain someone's absence. Her voice was low and scratchy as she asked, "Has anyone seen Jackie?"

            As though she sensed their presence, the Taylor girl, clad in her varsity jacket, strutted up to the open doorway of the cabin with purpose. She looked positively full of rage. It seemed to consumed her entire being. From head to toe, the fact that Jackie seemed to hate their guts was not lost on any of them.

           The blonde proceeded to fold her arms across her chest. "I have nothing to say to you." She harshly uttered in Shauna's direction. Her body lulled angrily to the side, now leaning against the door's frame. Her glare was now aimed at them all. "To any of you. I mean, what the fuck?"

            "Just stop, Jackie." Nola breathed out. She just felt so completely burnt out in that moment. Listening to Jackie berate them once again wasn't going to change anything and frankly, Nola had gotten tired of hearing her. Jackie looked shocked to hear the brunette's words. Nola tiredly wiped at the already smudged make up that painted her face as she then said, "Don't you ever get tired of being on that pedestal? We get it, you're so much better than us. Congratulations."

𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞 ✸ 𝐘𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now