"He's probably still pissed about last night. He didn't even bother to call me back." Mingyu ticked his tongue as he sat up looking at his dogs. "What do you guys think?"

"Arf! Arf!" Dog 1 barked. "Arf!"

"No! I am not trying to micromanage him, okay?" Mingyu scolded Dog 1 as the others gathered. "You guys don't understand! Cheol is the kind of guy you have to look after! He's like all over the place!"

 "You guys don't understand! Cheol is the kind of guy you have to look after! He's like all over the place!"

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"If you don't nudge and push him in the right direction nothing will happen." Mingyu sighed falling back on the couch. "Argh! What the heck?! Why am I even talking to you guys? I'm going crazy!"

"It's hard to watch someone waste their potential just like that." The phone rang. "Especially if it's someone you care about."

"Hello? Mingyu?" Seungcheol picked up the call. "Sorry, I had patients to attend to."

"Yeah, of course. Hey, what happened last night?" Mingyu asked glad that Seungcheol had finally picked up.

"I told you. There was an emergency." Seungcheol sighed standing in his clinic.

"So, you're not mad or anything?"

"I'm over that. Don't worry."

"Great then check your email! I've talked to them, and they're still interested in getting in touch with you. The requirements and the contracts you'll need are all there."

"Oh, cool, thanks I'll start working on this." Seungcheol scrolled through his laptop.

"As I said, an opportunity like this doesn't come twice. If there's anything you're worried about regarding the job just tell me, okay? We'll work something out."

"Yeah, man. Sure."

"Good luck and see you soon, Cheol!"

"Mhmm... You too take care." Seungcheol kept the call.

...And in just a split second his eyes shot open.

"PAPA!" Chan exclaimed bursting into his office with a big smile. "Chanie is here!"

"C-Chan?!" Seungcheol was shocked he was not informed of Chan's arrival.

Chan ran accidentally getting his leg tangled in a cable as he fell face flat.


"Chan!" Seungcheol ran to him bending down.

"I-I'm okay!" Chan got up sitting on his knees with a big smile. "Papa! Grandma said I can stay with you for a whole week!"

"W-Wait... WHAT?!"




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It truly means a lot to me. 😊


Word Count: 850



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