Journalist: Sounds like you have given it more thought than you think!

Emery:  Maybe! 

Journalist:  Thank you so much for your time Emery.

Emery:  Your are very welcome!

Following the article there are about 10 pictures of different events and wedding Emery and Blaine have put together.  I can find the words to describe how talented she is.  The colors, the flowers, lighting.  Every thing is perfect!  It is like looking into a different realm at times.  

Then there are three more pictures.

The first is of Emery standing between two men.  The caption reads : Emery Evans with her business partner Blaine Sherman with his husband, Douglass Sherman at the wedding she planned for them in complete surprise.

Blaine looks exactly how I pictured him years ago.  We would speak every so often on the phone when Em wasn't available or if he was worried about her.  I liked him immediately when just over the phone.  I am glad he is still in her life.

"I am glad to see Em has people who seem to care for her deeply. It's like Blaine and Douglass are you and me grown up!". Jensen says.  I can't disagree.

"I know Blaine cared about her when we were still speaking.  He was a stellar individual then.". I add.

The second picture is of Emery dressed to the nines with a younger man.  The caption reads: Ms. Emery Evans and her date for the night, her son Charlie Evans at a recent charity event for the Northern Nevada Humane society.

Charlie looks like a young version of Emery's father.  He looked so proud to be accompanying his mom when most kids would rather be anywhere else.  I feel a weird twinge in my heart looking at him and fall immediately in love with this kid.  Like I would do anything to make sure he stays safe and happy.  I realize he is an adult but I suddenly regret not being a part of his life.   

"Charlie is a good looking kid.  But it's like looking at a young version of Mr. Evans." Jensen saw it also.

"I didn't doubt it,  but he did an amazing job with him.". Jensen nods in approval.

It's the last picture that almost makes my heart stop.   It's of Emery alone.  But it's almost a boudoir photo.  It's very sexy but extremely tasteful.  It's in black and white.  I don't think I have ever seen a more gorgeous woman in my whole life.  She looks ethereal.  Almost not real l, like a goddess.  Under the picture reads : Northern California most eligible batchlorette, Emery Evans models for award winning wedding photographer, Antonio Marino.

"Whoa.". I can tell that even Jensen is speechless.  "Please do not tell Suz, but Jesus Christ, Emery is hot as hell."

Normally I would have punched him but I can't.  First he is not wrong and second,  she is not mine. 

"Dom, say something?". Jensen looks worried.

"Jensen,  it's not just the black and white picture.  It's the picture of Charlie and of her with Blaine and Douglass.  And did it go over your head what she said her perfect wedding would be?"

"She remembers the pact Dom.  Which is exactly why my wife sent the link."

"It still doesn't me he wants me there."

"Dammit Dom!  Stop being so negative. You are the positive one! Not me! Remember when I thought Suzie was gonna ask for divorce because she had been distant?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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