🟧🟥 You can't resist it // Hyunjin x I.N 🏩

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"..."M...mommy?" The boy whines out as the delightful pleasure takes over again..."

Warning! This story contains: First kiss, mommy kink (requested by: hehstefy), sir kink, soft dom, sexual touch, big age gap
Smut: 8/10 Fluff: 9/10 Romance: 9/10 Rough: 1/10
Character: Sexy, flirtatious, rich but sweet Hyunjin. Shy and humble I.N
Genre: Roman -> Love at first sight / slow burn
Word count: 3056
Appearance of the person: Hyunjin (top) 29 years old

NGenre: Roman -> Love at first sight / slow burnWord count: 3056Appearance of the person: Hyunjin (top) 29 years old

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Appearance of the person: I.N (bottom) 21 years old

"Your breakfast is ready sir" I

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Your breakfast is ready sir" I.N knocks on the hotel room door with a tray full of food in his other hand. Even though he has done this many times before, he still finds it scary as a hotel servant bringing the food to the guests. Especially since this is one of the most expensive hotels in Dubai. The people are rich, and often very unkind to him. Just like his boss Jack. Who treats him like a piece of shit and even calls I.N by a number instead of his own name. The boy's eyes gaze over the plate with food. There's a golden nameplate with "Hyunjin" written with silver, Victorian letters . "What's keeping you?"  A deep and sacred male voice sounds on the other side of the door. Which startles I.N out of his thoughts. Quickly, he pushes down the door handle and walks into the room with the tray. The glasses are shaking violently because of I.N's trembling hands. The boy feels how his cheeks glow red with embarrassment and fear.

The boy closes the door behind him as he looks down at the floor. Way too scared to look up in the first place. The rich guest's finger clicking causes I.N to automatically look up. And at that moment, the whole world around him pauses for a moment. Because the man currently sitting on the bed with his lower body still under the blanket, is the most breathtaking person I.N has ever seen. His lips, so plumped and cherry-coloured. His beautiful, silky black hair which hangs a little tousled over his face. But to I.N's surprise, the man looks at I.N as surprised as I.N looks at the man. The guests eyes are big and stare the boy's body up and down.

For a moment, they stare at each other in dead silence. Until the man apparently named Hyunjin slowly lowers his hand. I.N follows the beautiful, soft-looking hand with his eyes. So it doesn't take long for Hyunjin to realise this and make a 'come here' motion with two of his fingers. "I'm sorry for my tone, beautyful. Come here." The man's voice sends a shiver down I,N's spine. He sounds so demanding but also so soft at the same time. I.N quickly obeys the Hyunjin's request and walks over to the bed. Staring at the ground on his way over, processing the dazzling beauty of the fairytale looking man right in front of him. Even though I.N wants nothing more than looking into those man's eyes again, he needs to stay professional. It's his work place overall.

Stray kids Smut/ Fluff/ Roman one shots<3Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang