The referee stepped in to separate them and gave Taylor a warning. Gabriella glanced over at Ian and back to Taylor and got back into position. "Yeah, hit me. Go ahead." Gabriella slightly taunted. Taylor slightly glared. Gabriella swung and Taylor dodged her hit once again. The referee blew the whistle for a time out as the two split ways. Taylor walked over to her team.

Ian glared at her as she approached, "What the fuck are you doing out there? Do you want to lose?" He shouted. Taylor looked off, "No." she silently replied. "Well it looks like you fucking want to. I didn't sign on to manage a fucking useless fighter do you have any idea what's on the line here?" He shouted. Taylor stayed silent. "My reputation, your reputation, our entire fucking careers!"

Taylor glared as she stared off. "Now get the fuck back out there and win this fight or don't even bother to step into another fucking ring again!" Ian shouted and stepped off. Taylor looked to Wes, he looked at her with pity and looked across at Gabriella. Taylor and Gabriella stepped back into the cage for the next round. Taylor locked eyes with Mateo in the crowd. He looked worried and intently watched as they prepared to face off again.

"No one who truly loves someone would ever do anything to hurt them" Mateo's words echoed in Taylor's head as she shut out the noise of the crowd all around her. All she could hear was the anxious thumping of her heart. "I can't do this." She softly whispered to herself as the bell sounded. She locked eyes with Gabriella and dropped her defenses.

She wasn't going to prove everyone right, She wasn't going to prove Damien right, She wasn't going to hurt her. But most importantly, she wasn't going to be Damien. She prepared for the worst as Gabriella swung and managed to get a hit. Taylor winced in pain and stumbled back. Gabriella seemed shocked by her own force and by the fact she was actually able to get a punch in. The crowd erupted with a mix of cheers and gasps.

Taylor stood her ground accepting every bit of contact Gabriella's fists made. "Taylor what the fuck are you doing!" Ian shouted. Wes silently watched, worried for Taylor but confused about where she was going with all of this. Gabriella hesitated to punch Taylor again, a mix of anger and confusion came over her. "Finish her Gabriella!" Someone in the crowd shouted.

Gabriella dropped Taylor to the ground and had her pinned. Taylor winced and looked up at Gabriella. "Fight me you piece of shit!" Gabriella glared. "You can hit me all you want....but I'm not hurting you." Taylor replied. Gabriella looked conflicted but kept her guard up afraid this was all a trick. "I told you I would never hurt you and I'm not. But I am sorry, I never meant to hurt you or put you and Mateo in danger. So hit me if it makes you feel better, I can take it." Taylor said.

The crowd watched in confusion waiting for something to happen. Gabriella lifted her fist ready to strike again as the crowd chanted 'finish her'. Taylor's lip was slightly cut and her face slightly red from the hits she took. Gabriella's fist slightly trembled as she hesitated. She wanted nothing more than to hate her and hurt her, but she couldn't. She didn't know if it was all a mind game, she didn't know what to believe anymore.

"Why are you doing this." Gabriella softly spoke as she glared at Taylor. "Because no one who truly loves someone would ever do something to hurt them." Taylor said. Gabriella's face softened at the sound of the familiar words she once told Mateo and she grew conflicted. "I'm sorry." Taylor said as her hand extended out and tapped the ground three times in surrender.

The crowd gasped. The referee pulled Gabriella off just as confused as everyone else, "Swift forfeits, Marquez wins!" He shouted and lifted her arm in victory. Taylor gathered herself together as everyone filled the cage to cheer and celebrate. Gabriella looked around and faintly smiled as her team hugged her and celebrated.

Taylor left the cage and saw an angry Ian waiting on her. "What the fuck was that! Do you have any idea what you just did?!" He shouted. Taylor stared at him stone faced, "You're fired." She said as she walked off. "Wait what?! You're firing me?" He shouted as she continued to walk. "This is going to be the biggest mistake you ever made!" He shouted. Taylor flipped him off as she continued to walk away. "Taylor please can we talk about this!" He shouted. "She said you're fired. Pack it up." Wes replied. Ian looked defeated and walked away.

"Your new undefeated champion!" The announcers shouted as the crowd cheered. Gabriella looked around for Taylor and saw her give her one last faint smile before entering the locker rooms. "Mommy!" Mateo shouted and ran into Gabriella's arms. She scooped him up and held him in her arms. "You did it." He smiled. She faintly smiled and held him, "did you have anything to do with this?" She questioned. Mateo shook his head no. "Sure." She faintly smiled and held him as she stared off at the door Taylor had left out of.


Taylor entered her large empty home. She was exhausted from the fight and wanted nothing more than to crash into bed and rest. She stepped into her kitchen and grabbed an ice pack to ice her cheek. She looked around the kitchen and stood in the silence of her home.

She made her way toward the stairs to go to her room when the doorbell sounded. She looked confused and approached the door half-expecting it to be Ian begging for his job back. She slowly opened the door and saw Gabriella standing on the other side. Her eyes slightly widened as she opened the door wider. "Mind if we come in?" She asked as Mateo appeared behind her with a smile.

Taylor smiled as her eyes grew watery. She nodded and stepped aside as they entered. They entered as she shut the door. "What are you doing here?" Taylor asked. Gabriella and Mateo looked at one another and back at Taylor. "It didn't feel right celebrating without you, and you left before we had the chance to see you." Gabriella replied. Mateo smiled and looked at Taylor.

"You wanted to see me?" Taylor asked slightly surprised. Gabriella softly smiled and gently pulled Taylor's face into hers and kissed her. Taylor melted into her touch and savored every bit of their kiss. She didn't realize just how much her kiss alone meant to her. There was nothing more she wanted than this. Gabriella slowly pulled away as their eyes remained locked on each other. "Uhem, what about me?" Mateo asked. They snapped out of their gaze and scooped Mateo up between them and smiled. "We would never forget you." Taylor smiled as they both attacked his cheeks with kisses as he hung onto the both of them and laughed.

Taylor and Gabriella laid in bed watching Mateo sleep between the two of them. "So what's next? Are you going to keep fighting?" Taylor quietly asked. Gabriella stared at Mateo and looked over at Taylor. "I think I'm going to hang my gloves up." She replied. Taylor looked confused, "You're just going to quit?"she questioned. Gabriella gently played with Mateo's hair and smiled to herself, "I just think I want something else." She replied. "Like what?" Taylor asked. Gabriella looked over to her and smiled, "What are you doing for the rest of your life?" She asked. Taylor's eyes slightly widened as she stared at Gabriella in shock. "I mean that's if you want to." Gabriella teased and shrug. Taylor gently reached over and pulled her into a kiss and slightly pulled away. "So is that a yes?" Gabriella asked. Taylor smiled and admired Gabriella's face, "I've been wondering when you were going to finally ask." Taylor jokingly replied as Gabriella rolled her eyes and laughed as she they kissed once more.

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