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--You're so still.. Your face is like ice. What are you thinking, Catherine?

-What does anything you can say matter? You betrayed me with words. What good are words...when your heart is breaking? If i fail now, i should deserve to die. You tricked me into loving you.

-Aren't you forgetting that you came here for the same purpose?

-I couldn't betray you. I tried to tell you, you said you already knew. I was as honest as i knew how to be.

-Do you think i wanted to love you? Knowing where you came from, and what your mission was? Don't you suppose that every hour we were together i was thinking "She's just pretending!"

-I wasn't! I loved you! 

-And i loved you so much i let you pretend! (...) Because.. You brought something to my days; i couldn't stand.. the thought of losing you.

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