Chapter 3: BroZone's Back, Baby!

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Third Person's POV

In Mount Rageous, Velvet and Veneer were practicing for their performance at the Rage Dome in their music studio

But unlike what everyone else expects, the two are vocalizing off-key

Velvet groans when she realizes their singing isn't as great without Floyd's talent

"If we're gonna make it to through the Rage Dome show, we're gonna need more troll."

Both of them enter the small studio room, and Velvet kicks a chair

"Crimp, what are you doing? Why are you always hovering?"

A small creature made out of orange construction paper, with small purple arms, is messing around with the digital audio mixer. Upon hearing her voice, Crimp turns around to look at her

"Uh, I'm standing?"

Besides Crimp is Floyd, Hya's long-lost father, trapped in a perfume bottle...

Veneer stands next to his sister with annoyance

"Well, be a good little assistant and go stand in the corner."

"Oh, yes." Crimp hops off the table and walks over to the other side of the room, but due to the shape of the room being octagonal, unfortunately, she's having a hard time determining where the corner is

Velvet and Veneer stares at her in disbelief

"Okay, I cannot with her." Velvet groans

Veneer shakes his head

"It's really too much."

Velvet immediately turns her attention to Floyd

"Well, time for a spritz."

Floyd shakes his head in desperation

"No, please! I barely have any talent left to give. I mean, maybe like a desperate Christmas album or a one-off national anthem performance... but that is it!" Floyd said before crossing his arms

Velvet, along with Veneer, leans over to the diamond bottle

"Oh really? You don't wanna? Okay, that's fine. We'll just kiss our careers goodbye and focus our efforts to charity." She said sarcastically

Veneer chuckled at that response

"Good one."

Velvet takes the perfume bottle in her hands and sprays the essence of Floyd's music talent, onto her. Now that her eyes glow pink for a few seconds, she vocalizes a lot better than she did before

"That's more like it." She said with a sigh

"We're so close to having everything we always knew we believed we deserve to have!"

Veneer sits back on the chair and glanced at the perfume bottle in worry before looking back at Velvet, but she seemed to notice

"Veneer, what's with your vibe and your face? Why do you have resting-moody-vibe face?"

Veneer lifts his hands up

"No, I know we deserved to be famous just cuz we wanted to. But honestly, that dude looks rough." He said, referring to Floyd, who looked drained out

"He's fine." Velvet stated

"And he's getting pale. And not in like a stunning, Victorian way." Veneer adds

Floyd gasped when he sees his feet turned white/or transparent

"Don't you see what you're doing? You're literally sucking the life out of me."

Branch's Niece? (Trolls [OC Insert])Where stories live. Discover now