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Charlotte's POV

I stood there looking out if the window while Engfa talked to the three gentlemen who called her. I looked at them, they look like they are engaged in a very serious conversation. Engfa looked at me and I smiled at her. Her face looks like she received a very bad news.

The two men in suits walked towards me. I felt a little anxious but I managed to smile a little.

"Dr. Charlotte Austin? We're from the British Immigration. I'm Ben Boden and this is John Jose."

They introduced themselves. I shook both their hands and smiled nervously. Engfa and the other men with an oversized mustache followed them.

"Dr. Austin, I'm Chief Lopez. We need to talk to you."

The man with the mustache said. I looked at him and then at Engfa. She just looked at me and then bowed down. I raised an eyebrow. I don't know what to feel or think right now.

"Please follow us to my office."

He said. Ben and John followed him while Engfa walked with me. I looked at her again.

"Hey. What's happening. You're making me nervous."

I said nervously. My hands are starting to get cold. She just smiled sadly at me.

"I'll explain inside."

She said. It did not help one bit because now my heart is starting to race. Chief Lopez opened the door to his small office and we sat on the chairs across him. Engfa stood beside the table and took a folder from it.

"Dr. Austin. I'm Officer Engfa Waraha."

Engfa said in that very professional tone of hers. The same tone she used on me at the hospital last night. I swallowed and looked at her in the eyes. She looked away.

"I will go straight to the point. Do you recognize this girl?"

Engfa asked before handing me a paper that she took from the folder that she's holding. I took it and looked at it.

It's a photo of my sister's passport. My eyes widened as I look at her and nodded.

Engfa looked at her Chief and he nodded at her.

"We believe that we found her last week."

She said. I felt relieved by what she said but a little scared as well.

"Where? My parents reported her missing because she never came home from a supposed camping trip with her friends."

I said. She looked at me with those eyes. Shivers ran down my entire body. I don't want to think negative thoughts right now. I'm sure she's okay. She may be hurt but I'm sure she's alive somewhere.

"We found her body a few days ago along the river 3 kilometers south of the hospital where you are working."

I stared at her and shook my head. That's impossible. No, I don't believe it.

"No. That's impossible. You have the wrong girl. My sister is in London with my parents."

I said. I fixed my bag and stood up from my chair preparing to leave. This is absurd. I stood up from my chair and looked at the other persons inside. I smiled politely.

"I have to go. My patients are waiting for me. I hope you find the girls identity."

I said before turning away. I walked out of the room and walked as fast as I can. I was walking out of the building when I heard someone calling my name.

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