Eddard Karstark- The whispering woods Part 2

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"Welcome Lord Karstark ,I thank you for the swiftness you've shown in gathering your troops and bringing them to Winterfell .Winterfell is yours my lord"Robb was looking lordly sitting in the high chair of Starks.On his left was Maestar Luwin who looked eerily similar to Maestar Wican ,with chains hanging from his neck ,he looked older than he was.On his right was Theon Grejoy who was wearing his kraken standards and a heavy chain of gold .Theon was Lord Eddard's ward and the son of Balon Grejoy. Theon was taken hostage after Balon Greyjoy's rebellion was quashed by Lord Eddard.Everyone knew that Robb considered Theon almost a brother.Robb's wolf was nowhere to be seen .Though I have met Robb many a times ,most recently when King Robert visited the North some months ago yet today he was a changed man.

Man. Is it what this war has made out of Robb even before it has started ,but one thing is sure Robb is feeling nervous and that I could see in his eyes,Tully eyes not Northern eyes .Robb looked more of a Southron than a Northerner .

"It is not only my duty as your father's bannerman to come to his aid when neccesary but also it is by the ties of kin between Starks and Karstarks and the love that I and all the North bore your father that I and all the small folk will gladly go to battle not once but twice"My Lord father looked stately when he spoke these words. "Fear not son for we'll march to King's Landing and bleed the city red if we have to but we'll free Ned and put that boy king to sword"My father reassured Robb ."These are my sons ,I'm sure you know them all "my father pointed to us and three of us standing together went on one knee.

"Rise"said Robb. "I am glad that your sons will join us in battle but who holds Karhold in your absence "Robb was curious .
"I have named my uncle Arnolf as the castellan and I've also left two hundred of my good men to hold the lands in my absence .Winter is coming and there has been a lot of raiding by the wildlings". My father looked worried about wildlings.

"We have bigger problems to solve then a few raiding wildings "Robb said hesitantly."My Lord please have some rest ,your chambers are ready .We've set up pavillions for your knights but your foot will have to set up their own accommodations outside the castle walls .Robb was almost giving instructions .It is my intention to march five days from now. The Tallhart forces are here and also the Glover forces .Lady Mormont will be here in two days .We will be joined by Lord Manderly's forces at Moat Cailin .The Manderly host will be lead by Ser Wylis and Ser Wendel as Ser Wyman has expressed his inability to ride in battle".Robb was telling all present .
My father took his leave as Lord Bolton and Lord Umber were waiting to meet Robb.

"Maestar Luwin ,escort Lord Karstark and his sons to their chambers" ,Robb commanded.
"At once my Lord",Maestar Luwin got up hastily as if not had expected to be given this task.
"The boy talks a lot ,aye"Greatjon Umber was not a man who liked waiting.
"He is not a boy anymore ,he might soon be your liege Lord ,show him some respect ",My father was already swayed by Robb.
"We will see who gets the command",Greatjon thundered into the great hall of Starks.
"I hope the boy knows what he is doing ",Lord Bolton's voice had an uncanny calm.
"Wars are times of uncertainty, the boy is not stupid I'll give you that ,but will he prove equal to his father we'll have to wait ",My father now talked more cautiously.
"Your sons Lord Karstark ,they are of an age with Robb,mayhaps one of them could squire for him",Lord Bolton had no smile on his face.
"My sons are warriors my Lord ,each of my boys is worth ten of the Southern yolk,they will lead in the Van my Lord",my father took his leave with a tinge of pride.

The tables were laid down in the great hall,the hall now looked considerably smaller than in the morning when we had met Robb. Two hundred men sat in the halls ,there was food and wine enough to feed five hundred men,the atmosphere was almost of a feast ,this hall doesn't look like it will be going to war in a few days.Robb was sitting at the head of the table ,there were rows of fifteen men on either side.I was seated to the left of Bran whereas my brothers sat together with our father who was sitting on the right of Robb.
All the principal bannerman of House Stark were there on that table .There was Greatjon Umber and his brother Smalljon ,Roose Bolton with his ever calm manner, Ser Halman Tallhart with his son Benfred Tallhart ,Galbert Glover and his brother Robett Glover and Lord Halys Hornwood and Daryn were also on the table.Some Norry and Flint banners were also in the room.There was chicken and lamb ,salmon and trout .The wine was too strong for my taste .I felt sad for Bran ,he looked broken in spirit.There were loud jests and words like cunt ,treason ,brother-sucker were heard .Lord Bolton who sat on the left of Robb was calmly talking to him.Rumor was that Roose Bolton might get the command .
"The  bloody wall will melt before an Umber marches behind a Glover",Greatjon said half jestingly .
"The van will be led by Galbert Glover ",Robb sounded firm.
"I'll not take orders from a boy who is so green he pisses grass,Umber men will march back to last Hearth",the fun was gone out of the room.

"You are free to do so my lord ,but when I am done with the Lannisters ,i'll root you out of your keep and hang you for an oathbraker",Robb was as calm as Rose Bolton.

"Oathbraker is it?",Greatjon took out his sword in a flash with speed unnatural of his large size.

Before anyone could react ,Great Jon was on his knees ,clutching his hand looking at the stub where were two fingers were a few seconds back.Greywind was grinning still on the table looking at Greatjon.

"I hope Greatjon only meant to cut my meat ",Robb was smiling he knew the war for supremacy in the camp was won.
"Your meat is bloody tough"Greatjon roared and the hall went into laughter.

This part is yet to complete ,i am putting this up for any suggestions. Thanks and do comment if you like what I am writing

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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