Part fiveteen - Unknown caller

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(CW: Violence)

Nobody's POV:
Jake was just making some Stovetop popcorn for a horror movie. Until his cellphone started to ring, he turned around to see it buzzing through the table, he didn't expect a phone call to be at midnight. He stops what he was doing just to answer it, Jake picked the phone up to see a name saying unknown caller.

He was now confused at this point. But Jake just decided to answer it.


"Hey Jake." A guy spoke in a deep voice.

Jake raised his eyebrow when they said his name "umm... who's this and how do you know my name?"

They responded with a weird chuckle "well...  you'll find out in about a minute or so."

Now Jake was starting to get worried at this point, so he grabs an empty glass bottle for protection then backed away from the kitchen. "I don't know how you got my number. but where ever you are, go away."

"I saw you at the bar yesterday. You ran away when you saw me, right?" He spoke in a cold tone.

Jake hands started to shake, his eyes were wandering around the room. Legs were wobbling he is definitely scared right now. His voice was shaky

"I-Is this-" the all the lights then went off. He flinches. Everything was completely silent, until Jake hears a window break. He was shock to see Troy holding a pocket knife, he runs to him then tackles Jake to the ground.

He immediately grabs his arm to prevent from getting stabbed, he remembers that the empty glass bottle in his hand, Jake swings it to Jonas head, making him fall on the ground.

Jake gets up and looked down at Jonas who is groaning in pain. "WHAT THE HELL?!" Troy shouted.

"Troy?! I blocked you h-how did you get my number?!!" Jake looked at him with a scowling face.

Troy slowly gets up and gives Jake a death stare "I'm here to do a job, a ginger girl said she'll give me 30 bucks for me to.. I don't know kill ya?" He laughed.

He gasped he know what he was talking about "Ellie! Why?!"

"Because she thinks your a gay faggot. Which is a good reason." Troy grabs Jake's face and head butted him making him fall unconscious, he looked down down at him with a slight grin. Suddenly he heard a front door open he runs out of the house. I was just miriam looking around to see what was all the noise.

She gasped in horror when she saw Jake laying on the ground unconscious "Jake!" She shouted. Then dialed 911.

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