chapter twenty five

Start from the beginning

When it comes to money, it brings out the worst in people.

"I wish we could stay like this."

Buck cocked an eyebrow at his girlfriend, "And shrivel up like shrimp?"

Josephine suppressed a laugh, glancing up into his blue orbs. "Obviously not, I meant basking in this peace and quiet. Away from the noise and chaotic dispatch calls we've been reporting to. All for the stupid prize money." She closed her eyes and muttered.

"Money that could be real." He enlightened. "Imagine what we could do with that." He whispered into her ear.

Her eyes shot open causing her to straighten up and face him. "You're still not into the idea in finding that chest?" She assumed his eagerness would blow over after the shift they'd endured.

"It's five million dollars, Josie. Plus, being a firefighter gives an upper hand to know which places not to go."

"Well, you don't need my permission to go. Just be smart and safe." Josephine smirked. She leaned forward against his lips. "And if you do find it, I'm anticipating for a luxurious getaway." She placed a chastised kiss upon his lips.

A cheeky grin formed on Buck's face once Josephine pulled away from it. He nodded shortly, "Well, do. I should share that I'm not doing this solo. Taylor called and we agreed to team up and spilt the money." He grimaced internally as he came out with the truth to his girlfriend. He wasn't making the mistake of leaving her in the dark like last time.

"Was this your way to butter me up to tell me?"

Josephine wasn't jealous. Nor did she need to feel with Buck expressing his love for her. She trusted Buck except Taylor. Considering the news reporter is clearly just a friend to her boyfriend, she wasn't going to let herself get worked up for nothing. But she had boundaries to which Buck respected.

"Partially." He winced. "But it was mainly for us to relax after the shift we had."

After a short moment, Josephine simply stood up and stepped out of the tub. She took a few steps on the cold tiles before looking over her shoulder.

"Are you going to stay there and shrivel up like a shrimp or join me for a rinse?" Josephine questioned him.

Buck escaped the tub quickly to join his girlfriend in the shower.

The massive treasure hunt that caught the civilians of Los Angeles like a fish on a hook came to an anticlimactic end. It became known that Hollis Harcourt is very much alive and not dead. Athena stumbled upon the man himself after his assistant called about a break in at the "late" author's mansion. The man planned out his fake death and treasure hunt for his own gain. Using the civilians in the city for an experiment for his book. He held no remorse for those that have been injured or near death for the treasure nor betraying his loyal assistant.

"Cannot believe this was all a hoax. He let those poor people hurt themselves for his selfish use. He should be charged or something." Josephine's abuela spoke in disbelief. The older Santiago woman shuffled around in the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Matthew let out a sigh, agreeing with his wife. "He was selfish for that. He could be sued but these people went to search for the treasure at their own will." He sat at the table reading the article about the recent news of Hollis Harcourt and his treasure hunt.

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