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Misty pov

Why is this girl like this can't she get aside from the locker and by the way I don't have time to argue about it anyway . But suddenly

Chloe : who the hell you are to say that can't you get aside from here

???: I won't

That girl said crossing her Arms and straightening her posture

Then Chloe winked at me I pushed that girl and got my book and necessary items

???: you how dare you touch me with your filthy hand

Leaf:  oye how dare you talk like that to our friends

Dawn and may and iris and serena : that's right f**k of here

Those girls : you b**tch*s

Then I looked at time and said

Misty: let's go

Leaf : ok just ignore them

Chloe : ahhh I wanted to beat them

Iris : hey Chloe let's just go we will see them later

May : yeah

Dawn: I am not leaving them alone later

Serena : I am already planning about how I should beat them

Misty: ok Ok lets go girls

We all got to our class thank goodness professor didn't  came we sat on our seats

Suddenly  7 boys entered the class  whole  class was screaming and whispering about how handsome they were what the hell they even see in them

They all came and sat at the sit behind us

They all were sitting in a way that ash was behind me goh was behind Chloe cilan was behind Iris Drew was behind may Paul was behind Dawn clemont  was behind serena and Gary was behind leaf

The professor came and started teaching suddenly I felt someone playing with my hairs I looked behind and saw Ash rolling my hairs . I whispered in a low tone

Misty: can you please stop touching my hairs

Ash : nope

I shrugged it and started focusing on the class and wrote down notes

Ash pov

I was bored in the class as I had already studied this topic well and then I saw the girl sitting in front of my her long carrot pink  hairs were in a pony tail I touched them and they felt so soft that I can't  stop touching them I started playing with them than she said me to leave her hairs but I didn't.  She glared at me with her blue eyes and turned her head ahead and I felt her pouting . She is really cute . Wait whatttt am I thinking . Yeah it is just a useless thought

Ash pov end

Serena pov
I was listening the lecture . I looked at my friends and saw Ash playing with my baby's hairs . This boy I hate him how dare he touch my friend's hair . Hmm but they look good together I laughed internally . Suddenly someone poked my shoulder
I looked behind it was clemont I frowned my eyes telling him to say. He came close to my ears and spoke in his deep tone

Clemont : can you pick up my pen

I felt shiver down my spine his voice its really deep when he whispers . I picked his pen up and gave it to him for a moment our hands touched I blushed lightly and turned around

Serena pov ends

Misty pov

After all the classes were over we all decided to go to our own rooms .

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