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"Graduation and awards night is coming up. I am very proud of this class. Several of you will be recognized for your achievements throughout the year." Cory told his class with pride.

"Awards are a scam! A girl like me never had a chance, Matthews. Never had a chance!" Maya stands up and yells before she turns and stares at Riley who gives a sigh of annoyance before she too also stands and points an accusing finger at her father.

"It's a scam, Matthews! She never had a chance!"

Cory rolls his eyes at the two girls "Maya will be receiving the griff Hawkins 'Totally Cool' award."

This causes the blonde to sit back in her seat with pride as the class politely claps for Riley looks at her friend in pride and slight envy "Maya, you just found out you won the totally cool award, yet you just sit there?" The brunette asks before her eyes widen in realization. "Oh, you're being cool. Why won't you rub off on me?"" she whines at the end.

Cory ignores the two girls and walks towards the blonde Texan "And our two finalists for the scholar athlete award are Lucas Friar," the class claps again and Alora smiles towards the blonde, causing him to blush and look away from the green eyed girl.

"and Billy Ross." Cory continues as a dark skinned boy with cropped black hair beams in pride.

" I hope you're ready for some competition, dude." Billy says as Lucas turns around and smirks. "Oh, well, you know how I hate competition."

The two laugh as they lean in and out with the same forced laugh before Lucas smiles and points at the brown eyed boy.

"You guys are so weird." Alora told the two before they did their elaborate handshake of awesomeness. "And do you guys have to do that everyday?"

"Well we are awesome, pretty girl." Billy smirked as he turned to the green eyed girl "I mean you'd know better than anyone else if you'd let me take you out." he winked at her as Alora shivered and looked away.

"That's enough, Mr, Ross." Cory spoke in a stern voice as he had noticed his goddaughters discomfort. "Farkle, you are being awarded the Joseph T.R. Epstein confidence award. " he looks at the mini genius empty desk. "Congratulations. Farkle?"

Alora looked to the empty seat next to her when a robotic voice was heard "Farkle can't come to his desk right now. If you have a question for Farkle, say, 'one;' a comment, say, 'two;' billing questions, 'three."

Cory looks confused at the machine sitting where his student usually is "One. Where are you?"

"You have selected three"

"No I said 'One!" Cory argued back with the machine.

"Sorry, we are experiencing unusually high call volume. Your call will be answered in approximately...35...minutes." after that guitar music began to play.

Cory looked to his goddaughter for some guidance.

"I don't know where he is, Uncle Cory. He hasn't said anything to me when I ask." the green eyed girl told the older man as she played with her fingers, hidden under her desk.

The bell to switch classes rang, Alora gathered her books and headed to her next class with Lucas and was followed by Billy as Riley and Maya stayed behind to talk to Cory.


"So, you really don't know why Farkle has been missing class?" Lucas asked the shorter girl.

Alora bit her lip before she answered "Um, no I don't."

"Right" Lucas said in a sarcastic voice as he the two stopped at their shared math class. Before Alora could enter the room she was suddenly pulled back by her arm.

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