Poem Nine: God Only Knows

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God Only Knows

Who was there when darkness surrounded my mind and the thoughts of my downfall had stolen my dreams?

Who was there when the sky fell down, and left me with fires in my soul, bursting at the seams?

Who was there when I sat alone and cried in the quiet dawn of the morning, my eyes reddened with tears?

Who was there when I looked in the mirror and saw a monster, one who had built up and crept in over the years?

Who was there when I had lost all hope, when I ran from myself, when I felt like the weight of bricks had made a home in my heart and mind?

Who was there when the thoughts crept in, intrusive and angry, yet perfectly on time..
pulling at me
Folding me under
Claiming me under the current of a high tide?

Who was there when the love was lost and had no where else to go?

Who was there when there when it became a house with picture frames but no longer a home?

Who was there when my smile went blank and my tired eyes grew dark
Who was there while I was letting myself tear my life apart?

Who was there when I needed a friend?





You say you're there for me, but to what end?

You say you're there, but only when it's necessary.
You say you're there, but it's only a game.

And I was there for you, but then again
we were never the same.

Who was there for me?





Who was there when I had nothing left and no room to grow?

Well, who?

God only knows.

A Mess That is Beautiful
Maria Dun Books
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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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