Part 1

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It was finally the weekend after all those weekdays of work. *I want to visit my boyfriend today..* You excitingly got up and started brushing your teeth. You were washing your face and doing your skincare routine. You made yourself scrambled eggs, toast and avacodo with coffee for breakfast. You sat in the table eating and started thinking. Your boyfriend hasn't been responding to your messages lately, and he has been hanging out with your bestfriend most of the time.

*He wouldn't be cheating on me right..?* You thought to yourself. You finished your breakfast and got ready. You put on a black hoodie with baggy ripped jeans and white crocs. You walked out of your apartment door and got out your keys to lock the door. For some reason you felt like someone was watching you. You turned your head looking around but saw nobody. *I'm probably just imagining things.* You pressed the elevator button and entered. You pressed the floor gor downstairs until a tall man walked in the elevator.

He was wearing all black but you didn't think too much of it. You were on your phone while the elevator was going to your floor. For some reason you felt like he was staring at you. You looked up at him and YES he was staring into your soul. You made eye contact until the elevator went to your floor. Before he walked out he gave you a smile and you smiled back awkwardly.

But your not going to cheat on your boyfriend. You walked to his place excited to see him. You finally arrived to his place and knocked the door. You heard alot of noise from his room like a girl? You checked to see if the door was open and it was unlocked? *What the fuck..* you looked around to find him and you went upstairs. You opened his door and saw him and your bestfriend making out. "What the fuck Liam?!" Your boyfriend looked at you with a shocked expression. "Charlotte? I-I can explai-" he said but you cut him off "I can't believe you.." you then looked at your "bestfriend" she was smiling. "Chloe?! I thought you were my bestfriend..?" you said with a low deep voice holding in your tears. She started laughing "You really think i like you? I just became your friend to become closer with Liam." She smiled about to hold Liam but he moved away from her touch.

You ran out of his house crying so hard. You were walking slowly putting on your hood covering your face from strangers that walked past you. You finally arrived to your house and entered your room and saw a bucket of letters, money, a glitter bouquet of pink roses. You then saw two heads.. you gasped. It was your your ex boyfriend and Chloe's heads. You screamed and covered your mouth. You saw the letter and slowly reached for it with shaky hands. You opened it and it was such beautiful handwriting. BUT THATS NOT IMPORTANT! You read what it said "Sorry for what happened love, If anyone hurts you they get hurt 10x more. From your future husband" you gasped.

"I have a stalker..??" You said as you looked around your house. No one was there.. You got a text message on your phone and looked at what it says. "Are you looking for me love?" the anonymous person texted and you had a shocked face "Who the fuck are you." you said as your hands were shaking so much. The person replied immediately "Lets just say..i've been watching you for a long time now and i know everything about you Charlotte Eleanor.." they said as you gasped and shut your phone and covered yourself in a blanket.

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⏰ Última atualização: Mar 05 ⏰

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