The blue class swordsmanship students’ training uniforms had been cut near the chest area, but the shapes were a little ugly. The nipple areas of the shirts were cut into hearts.

It was a gross sight to see a group of boys with heart cut-outs on their nipples.

“You guys said you wanted to fight me. I fought you, so what’s the fuss?”

Swan opened his eyes wide and seemed to ask, “What did I do wrong?” with his expression.

It seemed that the boys had tried to fight against Swan. He was the son of a duke, was pretty, and was famous for his healing magic, so it looked like the other students had been angered.

Seeing the current situation, it looked like Swan had cut the boys’ clothes like this as a punishment for losing against him. They had to keep wearing the clothes, so I kind of felt bad for them.

“How could you make our clothes look like this? How are we supposed to train like this?! And why are they hearts?!”

“You said that you were going to confess after training, so I just helped you out. Shoot your love towards that special someone with your heart nipples.”

“How am I supposed to do that with these clothes?! I’ll get dumped for sure!”

“Seeing your ugly mug, it looks like you’d get dumped anyway. Stop blaming other people.”

When one of the boys chasing him yelled at him, voice full of anger, Swan responded with a happy smile on his face.

I felt bad for the boy, but I couldn’t help but laugh because the scene looked like it was straight out of a sitcom. Wow, but Swanhaden’s personality was….a piece of work. It was fun watching on the sidelines, but…..I would’ve burst into tears if I was that boy.

Next, another boy who seemed to have a grudge against Swan began to speak, face full of questions.

“I didn’t duel against you, nor did I confess, why did you do this to me? I was just passing by!”

“Is that right?”

“Y……! I’m going to beat you into a pulp!”

In the end, Swan was captured by the boys he had angered. In my opinion, it looked like he had let himself be caught.

“Oh no. I’m so scared. I’m just a pitiful, weak magician.”

“How are you pitiful or weak?”

“Cough, cough.”

When he found himself surrounded, Swan began to loudly ask for the help of those around him.

“Teacher, they’re bullying the newbie. Please help!”

When Swan asked the teacher for help in a loud voice, a teacher happened to be passing by and, full of righteous anger, ran to help Swan.

Then, he saved Swan from the students.

“How could you! He’s already struggling because of his late start!”

Swan acted pitiful in front of the teacher who had saved him.

“Teacher, I’m struggling so much. Sob, sob.”

He sounded like he was reading a textbook, but it seemed to work against the teacher.

And thus, Swan took care of all of the students who had bothered him. Swan waved happily at the students who were dragged away by the teacher.

I watched the whole scene unfold from start to finish, and found myself shaking. Hmm, Hylli definitely had a point in being scared of him.

Hylli was easily bullied by people like Swan.

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