Camilo and Ivy Investigate the January 6th Insurrection

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"I looked for evidence" - Lady Gaga

"GIRLLLLLL WHITE PEOPLE ROBBING THA CAPITOL RIGHT NOW HELPPPPP" Camilo says as he's getting ambushed by white people trying to get into the White House. He tried to call Ivy, but she did not pickup, so he left a voicemail instead.

Ivy is at home watching Impractical Jokers funniest clips part 17 when all of a sudden she hears the vine boom sound.

"Bruh...who tf is calling me rn."

Ivy checks her phone to see "TWINKATRON 5000 💀💀💀💀💀💀" calling her with this dumbass picture of Jungkook.

"Bruh this fuckin bumass lameass stupidass gayass homo girl fuck you

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"Bruh this fuckin bumass lameass stupidass gayass homo girl fuck you." Ivy says as she clicks on her volume button to silence the phone's vibrations and goes back to watching her show.

"HELPPPPP OH NAH THESE WHITE PEOPLE AMBUSHING MEEEE OH NAHHHHH THE FUCK THEY JUST STOLE MY SHOES???" Camilo yells on the phone. "BITCH....BITCH-OH NAH--IM FIGHTING THESE HOES GIRL BYE--" and the phone cuts off because a white hillbilly stomped on it.

Ivy senses something is wrong, so against her own wishes, she decides to hear the voicemail that Camilo sent.

"Why the fuck is he at the capitol right now DAFUQ he got no business being there he mad stupid."

Ivy decides to turn on her TV to check the news and lo and behold, she sees Camilo on the screen getting trampled by white people trying to move into the area.

"Omg and he look stupid on TV too lord help him." 

Against her own will once again, she ultimately decides to get her ass up and to go help her lameass best friend that's at the capitol for only God knows what, because Ivy bout to beat his ass regardless for making her get up and leave the comfort of her bed. It's either the white people or her when it comes to who gon kill him first. 

"Oh he paying for more than my matcha latte next next meal is on his barista ass." 

With that, Ivy takes her keys, puts on her shoes and jacket, checked in the mirror to see if she looked cunt, and left.


"Nah I can't take this no more I deadass gotta fight back bruh."

Camilo decides enough is enough and springs into action, allowing his twig arms to start karate chopping like there's no tomorrow. He karate chopping like the speed of a Ninja Blender.

"AH-Oou LORD" says a random man. "That shit hurt omfgg"

Camilo looks down to see who said that.


"Bro I'll give you 10 million dollars to let me go....please"

"Brother you scared of a twink like me fr???"

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