Chap 2

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I got bored, so here's another chapter! I made sure to edit it, but I may have missed some things. Enjoy :D

**Y/n POV**

I groan and sit up, trying to ignore the pain in my shoulder as I do so. I can't breathe. Why can't I breathe? A figure moves off my chest, and I hack up some air. They seemed to be apologizing to me, but of course, it went in one ear and out the other.
The only response I probably gave was a head pat and a small, "Don't worry about it, kay?" This seemed to calm them down though, and they took you by the hand. Well, they tried to. That's when Flowey appeared.

"Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the flower! Hmmmm, you're new to the underground, aren'tcha? Golly, you must be so confused! Someone ought to teach you how things work around here. I guess lil' old me will have to do." He says, and I try to hold in my laughs.
Even when I first started out, I never fell for his little trick. I eye the figure (who by now, I've realized is Frisk) in my peripheral vision. 'Do they know about this, or are they just as clueless as everybody else?' I can't help but to wonder, causing me to miss the rest of Flowey's instruction.

I fell a tug, and I watch as Frisk and I's souls exit our respective bodies. Theirs a nice, blood red, and mine, a brilliant royal blue. I then again, zone out as the weed speaks, only able to think, 'Integrity? I'm not all that honest, am I?' and I'm only snapped out of it when Frisk's soul starts to wander.
I had just started to guide mine around when Flowey continued, "Your soul starts off as weak, but can grow strong if you gain a lot of LV." Frisk then asks, "LV?" Trying to keep your eyes from rolling out of your head as you (sarcastically) think, 'Wow, person of many words.' Flowey grins (with somewhat evil intent, but it seems as though Frisk is oblivious to this), and he defines what it means. "Why, LOVE of course! You want some love, don't you?" Frisk nods excitedly, and I manage to maintain a perfect pokerface.

"Don't worry, I'll share some with you!" The flower 'reassures', winking as he does so. At this lie, my once vibrant soul had become a navy blue. "Down here, LOVE is shared through... Little white... 'Friendliness pellets'!" I scoff, and my soul only darkens, buzzing with discontent.
"Now, move around! Catch as many as you can." He says, and the pellets I hadn't even noticed slowly came toward us. Frisk's soul was zooming toward one, but I made sure that mine knocked it out of the way, taking the hit. Hissing, I was forced into a kneel, my chest area burning. It was well worth the pain to see Flowey's shocked face. Not only had I kept Frisk safe, but I could also tell the truth from his lie.

"In this world, it's kill or be killed! Why'd you do that?!" He seemed almost worried, and that confused you; he has no soul... How can he care? He doesn't make any further attacks, he just sits there, seemingly concerned.
Part of me hopes he was faking; it'd be better that way. Then, he was slapped in the face with a fireball. He whimpers in pain, before getting knocked off somewhere, his petals singed, and his face more than confused.

Toriel then came in from down a hall, saying, "What a horrible creature, torturing such poor, innocent youth. Ah, do not be afraid, my children... I am Toriel, the caretaker of the ruins. I pass through this place every day to see if anyone's fallen down. You are the first pair of humans to come here. Ever. Well, other humans have been here, but that was a long time ago, and there's never been more than one at a time. Anyways- Come! I will guide you through the catacombs... This way." She leaves, and because of how short our legs are in comparison to hers; we have to sprint to catch up. 
We enter a room, and Frisk stares down at where a star should ultimately be (but isn't, at least for me). They point to the empty space, and I shrug and say, "It must be a thing tailored to your soul, because I can't see it." Wow, way to be discreet about it, dumba$$! We continue on, and Frisk doesn't even bother to try at touch the save point. I don't say anything; they'll figure it out soon. 

Well, so far it won't be needed. We follow Toriel, practice talking to a dummy (although I seemed to avoid confrontation at all, which greatly disappointed Toriel), and 'completed' a few puzzles. That was, until she told us to walk to the other side of the room by ourselves. I snorted, and if she noticed, she didn't care.
With the information told, she ran to hid behind the pillar. We walk across the room like a pro. Before we walked past the pillar, I stop them. They look up at me questioningly, but I smirk, put my finger to my lips in a shushing motion, and creep to the pillar. "Boo." I said, and Toriel yelps, jumping out from her hiding place. "Oh, dear child! How did you know I was there?!"

I giggle and explain, "Well, you wouldn't actually leave us! I'm pretty sure you were just evaluating our independence, to see if we could make it on our own." She sighs in relief, and spoke, "Well children, thank you for trusting me. Now, I really need to go. I shall give you a cell phone to share, to call me if you need, but if anything, please don't leave this room. It's dangerous out there. Be good, alright?" This time, she actually left.

Questing, Frisk looked up at you, as if to ask, "What now?" I muster up a smile, "We disobey. I'm pretty sure Toriel will forget about us if we do."
They gestured to the cell phone in my hand, and I chuckle, "Well, what if a dog steals it?" All I get in reply is a raised eyebrow. "Yes!" I exclaim, "A dog! Think outside the box, and trust your gut, that's what I've always said!" With that, they groan cutely, and we walk into the next room.

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