Literature teacher 🤭

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Hassan pov:It was very tiring, putting all the new stuff from the truck then putting them into the shelves,I really need to hire some more employees well there isn't much profit during the off season anyways let me call Faris for a hand,poor boy have to help me again

Hassan:Faris can you help your uncle real quick?

*Faris was counting the cash that they collected today and upon hearing his uncle he replied*

Faris:Yeah coming (he went near the truck helping him put more boxes out of it and helping him put it all the shelves and after 2hrs they finished working)

Faris: Finnally it ended,so tiring it was

Hassan:I do it everyday now think about me

Faris: Wish I could help you more often

Hassan: Don't say that and besides you have been helping me enough though it's not your duty you're just a student.

Faris: What's with the house infront of us? There seems to be people in it though it was abandoned for years

Hassan:Well I suppose the old owners didn't sell it after all and by seeing from afar it's probably Araav Chaturvedi or his family members but I doubt they would come back here after leaving Delhi only he could take this type of decisions to come back to his old house just because he feels like it *says with a little bit of frustration

Faris: Woah,feels like you hold alot against this guy*surprised cause his uncle usually doesn't bad mouth anyone*

Hassan:Yeah I do and I better warn you to stay away from this guy,he's good for nothing just gonna brainwash you or manipulate you to think differently

Faris: Staying away is understable but the reason is quite confusing like differently? What do you mean by think differently?

Hassan:Just don't ask questions and listen to my words and keep your distance from him he's not good to be get close

Faris:As you say uncle.

Next day

Faris' mom:Did you carry your wallet?

Faris:Yeah did

Faris' mom:Your books?

Faris:Yes I did stop asking for it I am not a kid anymore ammi*pouts*

Faris' mom:Yea time flies surely fast *she said while stroking the face of his 19 year old boy*

Faris:Bye ammi,take care*he said leaving the house riding his late father's old motorcycle his mother is saving money for a new one though Hassan said he could buy,but his mother Aliana didn't want him to owe anything anymore after he helped them get a house in his village and already helped them financially*

In the college

*Faris enters the classroom*

Faris:Heyyy*greeting his friend*

Ridhaan:Hey Fanish

Faris:Stop calling me by that Roy*he calls him by his surname*!!

Ridhaan:I think it's quite funny it reminds of you saying hEay I aM fAnIs aksar you were so drunk you barely spoke lol

Faris:It wasn't funny and I didn't know they mixed that with fruit punch anyways*he takes a sit* what's the after plan after college?

Ridhaan: Nothing much just gonna get with some chicks

Faris:You getting chicks is the funniest thing you're a scardy cat

Ridhaan: But girls hit on me though so approaching shouldn't be an hindrance

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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