Falling for Jackson Again

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Book: Falling for Jackson Again

Author: whathepeach


The first thing I noticed when I read the blurb was a little feel if cliche since it's about one sided love for a best friend. But when I realized that the title didn't have any link with best friend, I felt like there was going to be something different in this so I ran to read. Plus I felt like the cover was really cute.

Firstly I will like to say I appreciate straight to the point stories. That is what us readers wants to see. Those stories with the first five chapters talking about nothing relevant isn't appreciated anymore and your story began perfectly. Yes there was a little hit of cliche, but you quickly made us laugh it away with humour.

However I feel like the story plot is easy to guess. He ignores Mia because he thinks she did it first and she's trying to prove him wrong. I will like you to revise the flow. Make it difficult to guess the next move, because when a reader reads something he knows how the next chapter will be, he will have in mind it isn't necessary to continue. Apart from that I feel a real edited plot because I search but didn't find things to say about grammar and punctuation. There is a really cute connection among the main characters and interaction between characters is fluent. Apart from the fact I stated above, I really find it interesting.

P.s: I will like to have you as a participant of the awards I'm hosting. For your story to have more recognition.

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