
370 19 2

She was lying of the bed because of Devraj. Devraj was roaming here and there when Krutika opened her eyes.
She was running her eyes and looked at the clock for time.

"Dev" she whispered
"Ha,bo-lo Kru-ti-ka"
"Kya hua tumhe" ( What happened to you)
"Kuc-h nh-i" ( Nothing)
"You know what I had a very bad dream"
"Seriously... What was your dream"
"In my dream, you killed someone and was hiding it from me but then I found out"
"Ohh" he pretended that he didn't know anything
"I know you would never kill someone, you are such a sweet guy and my silly brain displayed you as a killer"
"Sorry but I am a killer" he whispered
"Huh what"
"Na nothing"

He gets up from the bed, went down and picked up the food made by the cook and came upstairs.

Krutika was still in the bed looking at her phone, he was stunned that Krutika forgot everything in minutes but it was in his benifits only so he didn't said anything.

He was upstairs by now was arranging plates and was serving her food when she ask

"Would you ever kill someone"
"Yes, if I have to kill someone to protect you I will"
"You will not I know, you are bluffing huh"

He smirked

He took out the food and they were eating peacefully by now, both of them finished their food.

Krutika went to washroom for hand wash meanwhile Devraj kept the plates in the sink.
When she was in the washroom,she saw bruise on her right hand, it wasn't a dream...

She shouted, when Devraj hears it he immediately went upstairs.

"Kya hua Krutika"
He saw that krutika was pointing a vase on him. He understands that she know it wasn't a dream

"S-tay away fr-om me"
"I can explain"
"No y-ou won-t"

She was sobbing by now, she was on the bed in the corner and was sobbing. Devraj tried to console her but failed.

He sat on the bed waiting for her to calm down. Whenever he tries to come near her she point vase towards him, he again tried but suddenly vase slipped from the hands of krutika and shattered on the ground. She picked up broken glass price and pointed towards him.

"D-on-t co-me n-ea-r me"
"Krutika, listen to me atleast once"
"No I w-ill engrav-e this i-n yo-ur ski-n"

He gave his hand to her

"Peirce it inside my skin, take out all your frustrations"

She was so piled up with things that was happening to her she Peirce it in his skin.

He hissed in pain, his hand was bleeding by now but he cared less

"Now can we talk"
"U-mm yea-h, y-ou w-ill n-ot ki-ll me ?"

Those words of her was paining in his heart by now.

"You are the only person who can kill me happily and will not even say a word, even at my worst I will not harm you Jaan"

"Now can we talk"
"Y-eah, but wa-it le-t m-e apply s-ome-thing to yo-ur wo-und"

She got up took the first aid and started applying on his hand.
Meanwhile, he was looking at her not looking but admiring her. After applying medicine to his wounds he sat on the bed with her. He tried to hug her but failed.

"Tel-l wh-at y-ou wan-t t-o ssay"
"Let's start from the start, as you know that Pulkit is my step brother who wanted equity in my company but he didn't worked for it, so I denied from that day he became my enemy. He wanted to destroy me, my empire, my business everything. When I got married to you and fell in love with you. He was aware that you are my one and only weakness. He always looked at you with lustful eyes, which I always wanted to take out from his socket. Then I got to know about his plan which was about to brainwash your mind about me and to take you from me forever, I can handle anything on me but when it comes to you 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐧𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐭"
"It doesn't change the fact that you are a killer"
"Yes I am killer and I completely agree on it"
"You will kill m-e on-e da-y"

After saying this
He went to the terrace to seek fresh air, he attended few calls there. Sat on his chair and was looking at the stars and moon.

"Moon, you can be the most beautiful thing in the universe but not more than my wife, stars you can be most attractive and captivating thing in the world but not more than my wife" he smirked

He came back to his room after 15 minutes to see that krutika is still awake. He kept his phone on the side tabel and was about to lay on the bed when Krutika said.

"Can you d-o me a fa-v-or"
"Yes, tell na Jaan"
"C-an you sleep there f-or to-night" she says pointing towards the sofa
"W-hat, umm okay n-o problem" he fake smiled

His heart was crushing into million pieces because she no more feel safe around him, he killed Pulkit only to protect his wife but in return his wife doesn't feel safe around him. He placed pillow on the couch. Layed there and put quilt above him and slept there with a lone tear in his eyes.


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