🌈Part 3🌱

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The Two best friends are still stuck in the attraction, Miaky is in tears and Alycia begins to lose consciousness.
When suddenly the merry-go-round suddenly restarted abruptly, Miaky was surprised and screamed with full lungs and Alycia did the same, the merry-go-round stopped slowly, when the attraction was totally stopped, Miaky pushed away the protection that kept her strongly and ran towards the exit at an astonishing speed, while Alycia could not even get away from the seat, he was still so dark and the two girls could not see anything.
Miaky still had tears in her eyes, and Alycia was breathing loudly, Miaky found a flashlight and lit it, there was little battery left but it was enough to try to find a shelter. The two girls headed to the mall, with the flashlight that lit their way. When suddenly a shrill scream rang through the mall and reminded the two girls that they were not in a normal world, it was a blood-curdling scream, only an awful creature could make such a terrifying scream, and ugly creatures are not too friendly.

-Miaky reassures me. You heard it too,
- Yes...
At her word Miaky grabbed Alycia's hand and ran to hide in a cotton candy stand.
Alycia whispered:
-Miaky no! We are not safe here!!
Miaky put his hand on Alycia's mouth and uttered quietly;
- We'll sleep here, without any noise or he'll catch us.
Alycia was speechless for a few minutes and finally obeyed.

They then fall asleep in cotton candy stand.


In the morning

Miaky woke up looking good, she glanced discreetly around the stand before stepping out, when suddenly a hand caught her foot.
She grabbed a knife and stabbed several times which held her foot firmly.
Alycia awoke suddenly and looked at Miaky shaking,
-Miaky.. You woke me up,
Miaky apologized before taking a closer look at what she had just savagely slaughtered.
She found nothing suspicious, and the «thing» she had just stabbed was her ankle.
She did not know what to do, she looked at her ankle in blood:
- oh no-
She said before she faints and suddenly collapses back.
Fortunately she had no damage because she was already sitting, but Alycia was panicked:
She took Miaky in her arms and tried somehow to heal her wound.
The mall was lit up by a bright sun coming from outside, so Alycia decided to get out of the cotton candy stand, she let Miaky rest and walked away little by little.
She was not too reassured at the idea of leaving Miaky alone but she knew all the same that Miaky had an unimaginable power.

Alycia found several shops with food and water, and also bags to carry all the treasures she had found. She took a black bag with smalls colored circles, in which she put all the water and food she had found. She also found small porcelain cat figures, she took them because Miaky and she collect porcelain objects.
It was starting to be late and it was long ago that little Miaky had been left off, so Alycia was on her way to see her best friend again. But suddenly Alycia realized that nothing about where She is is familiar to her, she may be digging her head again and again she can not remember which way she had taken.
Alycia began to panic as she walked in random directions. She continued to move forward when suddenly and felt blood flowing from her lips, she rubbed her face and saw blood on her hand before taking a brutal blow in the arm. A monster was now attacking her, Alycia tried to resist, but the creature is three times her size, so she screamed loudly,  to make herself heard by anyone, even though she knew she had no chance. The monster tackled her on the ground and strangled her, Alycia could not scream or escape, it was over for her.

She began to close her eyes when suddenly the monster's head suddenly disappeared, giving way to blood that could not stop flowing, Alycia turned her head and saw Miaky, armed with a knife, the monster's head had just been sliced, she took Alycia in her arms and backed away
-Oh Miaky...
Miaky looked at her smiling
"I wasn't going to let you die pitifully like that."
After this she let Alycia down and the two girls went in search of a new shelter. But as soon as she had visited two shops, entities attacked them.

"What the hell do they have against us?"
One of them hit Miaky in the face, she collapsed on the ground
Alycia, surprised, knelt and shouted the name of her best friend multiples times.
- pff... back off. don't get involved
She got up and kicked her opponent's jaw, faster than usual.

But there were around them about twenty entities, knowing that it was starting to get dark in the shopping center, there would soon be other entities. Then Miaky cut off the heads of a few entities and had fun breaking the bones of others. Alycia looked at this bloody scene with both satisfaction and horror. After this endless carnage, Miaky turned to Alycia rubbing her cheek that was stained with blood, and realized with terror that she had forgotten one of the monsters.
-Miaky!!! Behind y-
Too late, the entity alone had put Miaky down, Alycia without hesitation hastened to grab her best friend in her arms. She took her in her arms with difficulty and ran as fast as she could, the others ran after her and it was almost impossible to escape this situation. Alycia was beginning to lose stamina because even though she might be strong, in truth she is nothing. She is pitifully weak. The brow haired one wanted to drop everything and crash on the ground but she held Miaky's life in her arms, she held Miaky, after so much effort to finally be with her, she could not let go pitifully so Alycia forced herself to run without giving in. Miaky, who was still in Alycia's arms, opened his eyes slightly:
-Miaky, it's not the moment! said Alycia

crossing a shop abruptly before suddenly turning into a sharp turn. Miaky remained speechless after this tremor, she did not expect it.
For once Alycia really had strength, she usually who could not even carry a table, this time it was Miaky's life and his depended on it, so her will took over. It's began to get late, and happy by turning in small turns and running, the enemies finally gave up. The two girls were now in the public toilet, Alycia dropped Miaky brutally and collapsed on the ground without even warning. Miaky watched her fall asleep and did the same.


Alycia Got up first that morning, she glanced through the window, the sun shining in a beautiful turquoise blue sky. Alycia realized that in their pursuit she had dropped her bag, she stood up with hesitation and headed for the exit.
-alycia? What are you doing?
Alycia startled before turning to Miaky, Miaky stared at her in a terrifying and intense way. Alycia, surprised, stopped dead:
- Miaky? Are you all right? I was just going to get my bag, it fell last night
Miaky suddenly got up and limped towards Alycia, her wound was open because of the chase.
-No, Miaky, stay here, I promise to come back soon.
- No, I'm coming with you, I don't want the same accident as yesterday to happen
At this word Alycia agreed, she did not want to risk losing her partner again.
It is also a good opportunity to find a way out!
First the two young teenagers went to a pharmacy, Alycia bandaged Miaky's left leg after putting disinfectant, where she had her wound.
After that they went looking for the bag

-There are blood stains on the floor, I guess it's mine...
Said Miaky with disgust, Alycia made a gesture with her head that meant yes. And they followed the traces of blood.


Be continued

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