Chapter Seven

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"See you all in hell or whatever." Dazai proclaimed, a bored expression on his face as his eyes wandered around, wondering if he could make some sort of attempt on his life in between plans, but it seemed he wouldn't get a chance.

As they walked away, Chuuya pulled on Dazai's hair to get his attention. "First question, who the hell is Watson?"

"You've been here for how long now and don't know who Watson is?" Dazai sighed, shaking his head in disapproval. "You're a disgrace of an executive."

"Oh, shut up! Like you were any better!" Chuuya complained, punching Dazai's back as hard as he could. It wasn't very strong, but he was too tired to care.

"At least I knew everyone's names~" Dazai sang, and Chuuya punched him in the back again, that being all he could manage in the position he was in. "Alright, alright, I get it. Watson's ability is called 'Before I Go To Sleep', and it can basically cause memory loss with a bunch of drawbacks."

"And I didn't know about this because?" Chuuya glanced at his partner, who clicked his fingers and stopped.

"Because you didn't need to know, obviously~" Dazai grinned and Chuuya let out a small huff of annoyance. Gin soon appeared and Dazai gave her a sinister smile. "Thanks for coming, Gin. I'm gonna need your help with something!"

Gin sighed, readjusting her mask, this being nothing new to her. He put her through hell at the best of times, and she had learned to find comfort in it. "What is it this time, Osamu?"

"No time to explain, you'll see when we get there." Dazai's fanatics have always been wildly out there, even by the mafia's standards. His obsessions knew no bounds. And yet no one could complain, as they were made from what little sanity he had left. The moment he stopped, they all knew they were doomed. He could destroy everything in sight without so much as batting an eyelid.

In all fairness, he should be detained and kept locked up. He was a dangerous man, with a horrific past of crime, superhuman smarts, and little sanity left. He was bound to break any second now and cause the downfall of everything. They all knew that. But that's the thing about Dazai being Dazai. Everyone wants to use him, and so they let him have his freedom in hopes he'll come and work for them, relying on the fact that something in his life will push him in their general direction. It never does. He only really has one more chance to change, and nobody but himself could cause. The moment this suicidal maniac changes his ways will be the day Chuuya Nakahara dies. Nobody else has as much influence over him. The only other person who did is now dead. Sakunosuke Oda. I don't think he realised how much power he had over the man. It was unrivalled. If those two had escaped the Mafia together, they would have been unstoppable together. Not only because their skills compliment each other, but because he knows all there is to know about Dazai. He could keep the walking bandage sane. But that's all in the past. The future is forward, and everything.

Dazai had a manic look in his eyes as he chucked Gin over his shoulder and kicked his way through every door, the two on his shoulders groaning through it all. They may be used to the chaos, but they sure as hell didn't miss it one bit. It was nice having peace and quiet. Chuuya argued with people a lot less - he wasn't on edge as much now that Dazai wasn't around. It was a blessing for them all. Although, Gin was far more reserved now that he was gone. Dazai seemed to know how to bring her out of her shell. But this was all a part of his plan, so it didn't matter, as long as everything continued to run smoothly. Dazai stopped outside the Port Mafia headquarters and glanced around The next stage of his little plan was in full effect. Time to not get anyone killed. That should be relatively easy. All he had to do was get through three streets filled with people who desperately wanted to kill him. The other two would just be collateral damage. He regrets inviting everyone over at once. That was a bad idea on his part.

"I bet ten bucks we're gonna have three near-death experiences." Chuuya wagered, glancing at the youngest out of the three of them.

"I bet fifteen bucks it'll be five." Gin bet, and Chuuya nodded in agreement. They were used to betting on everything. It's something Dazai had taught them before he left, and it had just stuck with them.

"Come on, guys, I'm not that bad." Dazai whined, and the two just stared at him.

"You have some warped sense of self if you think you're not that bad." Gin told him, which only earned a pout in response.

"We already knew he had a warped sense of self, you've been living under a rock if that wasn't common knowledge." Chuuya rolled his eyes and Gin looked away, sheepishly, which seemed to spark some rage in the Mafia executive. "Have you been feeding his ego this entire time?"

"Well, yeah, I felt bad for him. Everyone hates on the guy 24/7, and I wanted to be nice for a change." Gin replied

"We were mean to him because of his damn ego. We wanted him to be knocked down a peg or two. Or did you forget he's a threat?" Chuuya reprimanded her, and Gin just let out a huff of annoyance.

"If he was such a threat, he would have taken down the entire organisation by now just for funsies. You lot overreact so much." Gin said, and they both stared at her. She glanced between them, confused. "What?"

Dazai chuckled, almost proud of the girl for knowing more or less what was going on without meaning to. He forgot that they weren't all dimwits 97% of the time. "You have a better grasp on the situation than most, I'll give you that."

"Really? Y'all are that stupid? I thought it was just my brother, jeez." Gin sighed, giving a pointed look to Chuuya, who didn't respond, instead his eyes focused on something. Or rather, someone.

"Uh, Dazai, not to question your methodical planning or anything, but what the actual fuck is he doing here?" Chuuya asked, and Dazai turned, only to smile widely, his eyes lighting up with some child-like joy.

"Oh, him? He's just here for a little bit of fun. Don't sweat it, Chuuuuyaa~" Dazai put the two down, knocking Chuuyas hat off of his head.

"I worry about your sanity." Chuuya commented, watching the bandaged man walk away and put his hand out.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Dazai." Came a Russian accent

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