Heaven In Your Eyes

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Just a warning, guys, this chapter is violent and has child torture in it that extends just electric collars and tasers. It's a bit brutal.  

Just give me one last kiss, I need eternal bliss, Before them angels, take you up to the sky, and just give me one last look, Darling the hold you took, you gave us a heaven, now don't you see me cry- Heaven in Your Eyes, Jamie Campbell Bower

Just give me one last kiss, I need eternal bliss, Before them angels, take you up to the sky, and just give me one last look, Darling the hold you took, you gave us a heaven, now don't you see me cry- Heaven in Your Eyes, Jamie Campbell Bower

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I'm twelve years old. The children around me play, all younger than me. But One is standing by the door, watching over us. His shoulders rolled back, a far away look on his face. I have to remind myself that he goes by Peter now. It's wrong, but I don't want to be hit again, so that's what I call him. I walk up to him, feeling nervous butterflies fluttering around in my stomach. I don't know what this feeling is, but I'd been feeling it for a while now, anytime I'm near him. It's strange and pleasant, but also makes me feel sick. 

He's a lot older than me, but he's my only friend. Peters eyes fall on me as I timidly approach. "Hi, Peter," I say, smiling. 

He smiles back, just like I knew he would. He is dressed in his all white uniform, and although he's been like this every day since I was eight, it still feels like he is Number One. He's gotten very tall. So tall that I have to crane my neck just to look up at him. And he's always been lean, but now he has the slightest definition peaking through fabric of his shirt. His face is more narrow, and the baby fat is gone. His hair has grown out, and I want to touch it. 

"Hello sleepy head. Everything alright?" 

His words were true. I'd tried to sleep in this morning, and it had angered Papa. Though he had never raised a hand to me, he stood and watched as the orderly had taken the belt to me. The bruises still stung on my back. Peter hadn't been there, thank God, but he was looking over me now like he could see through my gown to the bruises and lacerations. Embarrassment crept up to my ears as I nodded. 

"Yeah, I'm just bored." I hadn't really came up with a game plan when I approached him. He was the person I wanted to talk to, and I hadn't really bothered to think about what. Peter always indulged me, though I'm sure he had better things to think about. I wondered if he had friends his own age. I'd seen a couple of the nurses flirting with him, and something ugly with green, scaly skin slithered in my veins whenever I would catch the exchange. 

They didn't know him. Not the way I did. These feelings were foreign to me, but I wanted to gouge out the pretty women's eyeballs. I'd imagine ripping their tongues from their heads and turning to Peter and asking him how he liked them now. Peter was very pretty, I could see that for myself. But I also felt some type of ownership of him, even at my young age. 

He was MY best friend. They couldn't have him. He talked to ME and held MY hand. He didn't look at me the way he looked at Nurse Bonnie. And he certainly didn't look at me the way Bonnie looked at him. I hated it. 

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