It felt like he was directly looking into my soul and because I had other’s back in my view. He was the only one who could face the beach and see what was going on. If I went into the water, I’ll have fun and then he would remember Jameel who had nothing to do with my life but still inflicting me enough pain. Him remembering Jameel was not a good idea so I shouldn’t be awaking the beast.

But the thing I noticed what Muzamil bhai was doing. It was a small act but I figured that out when he turned around and took a full glance of Areej who was busy laughing when I informed her about water could make me wet. I didn’t know if Areej felt that as she turn around to swim again when Muzamil Bhai’s Adam’s apple popped up and down visible before he forced himself to turn his gaze.

It wasn’t lust by just seeing her in the water as I was sure of that.

“Areej?” I mumbled as Areej hummed in response with her eyes closed.

“Why don’t you want to marry him?” I asked as I knew she would take who him was.

“There are many things…” She opened her eyes as my question sank inside her. Suzi also felt interested in our conversation as she took a sip of her smoothie.

“First of all, he is a robot…” She said as I chuckled when Suzi shook her head in agreement. “…then he doesn’t love me.” She added generously as she was that all modern girl enjoying her life and careless of what people think as I was a little surprised of that. She needed love like every other girl.

“Do you love someone?” I asked as me and Suzi both were curious.

“What? No. Even if I had I couldn’t stop my father to marry me with someone like your dearest husband for power as we already have money.” She said as she sounded cherished but still there was hint of sadness crawling in her eyes.

“It’s sad we can’t stop our parents because they always think they are doing the better thing for us. They do but sometimes they should just think about what we want.” Suzi muttered as she felt sad about something to.

“Yeah. My father says if I marry Farzan then I would be happy because he has money and power both. He thinks love couldn’t make me live a luxurious life.” Areej added her thought.

“Yes, my parents married me off thinking I would be happy with someone who has money but he was a smuggler.” Suzi said and I gasped.

“So you left him?” I asked her as she chuckled bitterly.

“No…I didn’t because I didn’t have anywhere else to go. I didn’t have any job or qualification as I was helpless but that was a mistake because he eventually started trafficking girls and children and I still stayed silent unless one night he decided to sell me off too. He was inhumane just because of money. The lust for money always grows if you don’t control and he did but when he shoved me on the ship and few other girls and children then young knight came. My mother told him about me and he came and obviously there was a fight. Many people got killed including my husband. All the girls and children were safe and sent to their respective homes and I came back to my mother. I never told her anything about my husband as she would be upset as my father was dead already. But in the last I did and she saved me. I was glad I didn’t have children or otherwise he would have trafficked them too.” Suzi said as there wasn’t tear in her eyes. She had passed that stage but I couldn’t help my tears and same went with Areej. We were listening to Suzi’s story for the first time and it hurt a lot.

I didn’t know why but I felt proud he saved her. He listened to her mother and took the risk to save her. Nobody did that for servants and he did.

“I-I am sorry.” Areej cried too but not like my I started sobbing with my chin wobbling and my lips pucker out. I couldn’t help that.

“You don’t have to. I am grateful for what happened or otherwise I won’t be here with you people enjoying on the beach.” Suzi got alerted as she saw my tears flowing down my cheeks.

Areej also forgot about her crying as she came near me to caress my knee to ease down my sob. “Hey…relax. You have such a weak heart.” Areej smiled although a tear was still sitting on her cheeks. She cried too but still she acted like she was the most careless person on earth.

“I am sorry you have to go through this.” I hated that I was crying but I couldn’t help that. I didn’t know acting and I really had a weak heart.

“No, you don’t have to and now…” Suzi thought of something that could make me stop crying as she added. “…okay stop crying because if sir saw you then I would totally be fired.”

“He can kill us too.” Areej added as it was too late when we heard the that masculine gruff voice.

“What the f**k happened to her?”



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