"Yeah, I know. I did that two minutes ago," Chandler announced, unbothered.

Before Joey could argue with either his roommate or his girlfriend for letting him drink fat (because he picked on by the way that she's not so subtly laughing at him that she knew about it), Ross entered the apartment, dressed and ready to go. "Hey," he greeted his friends.

"Hey, Mr. Tux," Chandler said.

"Why aren't you guys dressed?" Ross asked them.

"We have a half hour," Joey argued, getting comfortable on the couch.

"No, four minutes ago you had a half hour," Ross retorted back as he made his way towards Rachel's room. "We have to be out of the door at twenty to eight."

"Relax Ross, we'll be ready," Joey said. "It takes us two minutes to get dressed."

"For you yeah, but not for her," he pointed at Quinn on the floor.

"Hey!" Quinn cried, offended. She turned around to face him as she spoke. "I've got my makeup on, I'm almost done with my hair and I've got my dress already picked out. All I've gotta do is pick out what jewelry to wear and put some hairspray so my hair doesn't get wavy through the night."

"Then I'll let you finish," Ross conceded, not wanting to start an argument with her that would end up making them late.

Quinn did as she was told, straightening the last strands of curly hair while Rachel came out of the bathroom and greeted her boyfriend. The redhead ignored them and, once she was done, gave the straightener back to Rachel before grabbing her table mirror and makeup pouch to get ready at her place. She went to her bathroom and almost asphyxiated herself with the amount of hairspray she put on but at least she was sure there would be no curls making an unwanted appearance.

She pulled out the brown dress she wore at Carol and Susan's wedding out from her closet, her outfit for the night. Quinn didn't forget Joey's reaction to the dress at the ceremony and was intrigued to see what it would pull out of him now that they were dating.

Quinn was in the middle of searching through her pile of shoes when Phoebe walked in her apartment. "Quinn?" The blonde called out.

"In here Pheebs!" The redhead answered, still digging through her shoes.

She heard her friend coming in her room and turned to face her when she finally put her hands on the pair of black kitten heel sandals she was looking for. "What can I do for– Oh no, Pheebs! What happened to your dress?" She asked when she noticed the big stain on the bright yellow dress.

"Hummus, that's what happened," Phoebe replied, still annoyed by it. "Do you have anything I could wear for tonight?"

"Probably, why don't you go through my dresses?" Quinn offered. "I still have to pick out my jewelry and I'm not feeling like being the victim of Ross' pissy mood."

"I see you're wearing the dress you wore for Carol's wedding," Phoebe made conversation as she examined the dresses Quinn owns.

"Yeah, it made Joey go all penisdumb," the redhead smiled as she put on golden earrings with a small sun pendant.

"Ooh, you're in for some fun," Phoebe singsonged.

"Yup," Quinn popped the 'p' sound. When she was done with her jewelry, she grabbed the small purse she had put on the side for tonight and made sure she had everything she needed or would need in it. "Did you find anything you like?" She asked her friend while readjusting the rings on her fingers.

"Yeah but nothing I'd wear tonight," Phoebe sighed. "We'd better go back though, Richard left a message on the girls' machine and Monica has been slowly losing her mind over it."

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