You expected it, of course. But, you never predicted how gut wrenching it would feel to see Lae'zel hop onto Orpheus's dragon, not knowing when you'd see her again.

"To the skies!" She exclaims.

Then... she was gone.


You hear Shadowheart sigh beside you. "As I loathe to admit it... I think I might miss her."

You silently nod, your chin tucked to your chest, as you try to be strong and not weep over Lae'zel's farewell.

You never did like endings, even as a storyteller yourself. Your songs are always written with a resounding note, never ending abruptly nor definitely. You always leave room for growth, for continuation, just in case you wanted to add on to a certain piece or song on a later date.

You hated endings, and you loathed goodbyes.

A warm hand clutches at your shoulder in support, and you could tell by the sheer warmth of it that it was Karlach's.

You grasp her hand in yours, completely unaware of how tired and worn out she looked. Right now, all you could focus on was the grief of a friend who left to fulfill their true purpose in life.

"Why don't we all gather at the Elfsong? Celebrate the safety of Faerûn, as well as Lae'zel's victory for her people?" Wyll, ever the optimist, proposes from the sidelines.

Shadowheart wholeheartedly agrees with an indulgent groan. "Ugh, please! It's been forever since I managed to drown myself in wine."

"So long as it doesn't taste like sour piss..." Astarion trails off, a satisfied smile on his face as the Sun illumates his pale features. "I might just be persuaded— Ow!"

Your heart drops as you see Astarion's flawless skin be marred by ash.

"What the—" You could almost hear Astarion's heart break along with your own.

Astarion hisses in pain as he pats his body down from the heated ashes that begin to form on his skin. "Gods! I have to—" He lets out a final, heart wrenching scream before booking it down the docks.

He runs like a rabid animal. A sorry little thing that once learned how to trust, but has now been burned horribly by the thing he loved the most.

The Sun.

"Astarion!" You exclaim, voice all hoarse and scratchy from the sheer volume of desperation in your voice. You can't think of anything else. Your ears ring as your feet carry you as fast as they can to Astarion.

You have no other thought, no other concern that gnaws through your bones as deep as your mission to get to Astarion as fast as you possibly can.

Shadowheart and Gale visibly draw back upon hearing your anguished scream. Gods... even when you died during your fight with Myrkul, you hadn't sounded that horrified... that hurt.

"Astarion!" You yell again, throat strained and painful, hot tears cascading down your face like an endless waterfall as your blurry gaze tries to desperately search for him among the shipments and crates.

"Astarion!" You yell once more, this time quieter but more desperate. You search for him in the shadows of these crates, behind ones that were big enough to protect him.

And when you do find him...


It tears your heart into two.

He's sat behind one of the smaller shipments with his knees huddled to his chest. His hands are gray, with skin that almost seem to crumble from the Sun. Astarion weeps softly, and in shame, already grieving his life in the Sun.

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