9 | Pretty like the Stars

Start from the beginning

You all stumbled down the stairs trying to catch Yuta before he could leave.

Once he was spotted near the gate, the four of you ran over, albeit you and Toge a little less energetic.

"So," Panda began as he wrung his arm around Yuta's shoulder, startling the poor boy.

You stood beside Toge, sipping your drink as you walked with everyone else towards the long line of cars parked on the side of the road, eyes wandering to the different colours of cars, mentally noting stickers on their bumpers as if it would be important information later.

The ones closer to the entrance had disability warnings, some were blank, and some had quotes, whether it be a witty remark about their pet or a sarcastic comment.

You felt someone's hand on your shoulder and the gentle touch told you it was Toge. When you turned, his brows were drawn together and he asked, "Isn't your bus here already?"

You looked at the time and spun on your heel, bolting in the direction of the bus stop. Toge ran after, as he was still holding your gym bag, but saw you come to a stop.

"I missed it," you told him, panting and texting Tsumiki to tell her that she could just head home and not wait for you. "Well. I only live an hour away walking."

You held out your hand so Toge could hand you your gym bag, but he hesitated and glanced at the three who continued to walk off, with Panda and Maki prodding Yuta for answers to the questions of his love life.

"I can walk you back."

"All the way back?" You felt the disbelieving chuckle in your throat. "Don't you need to go home?"

"My parents don't come home until 8:00... and I think it'd be fun to walk with you."

You nodded slowly and began walking in the direction of your town, believing that he'd follow if he wanted to, which he did.

Once you saw him walk up beside you, you were unsure if you should make conversation or if he wanted to just walk with you.

Sometimes you and Tsumiki did that; sat in silence, just enjoying each other's presence.

You glanced at him, seeing that his eyes were on the ground, careful he wouldn't step on the cracks in the sidewalk. He still wore the mask that covered the lower half of his face, as if it were an extension of himself.

He even wore it during gym, and you couldn't fathom how hot he must feel beneath it.

Your eyes wandered to the front lawns of the houses you passed, some with flowers planted in the front and others with nothing but grass. Birds dispersed as the two of you walked by and you were careful not to step of trains of ants crossing the sidewalk.

Some of the houses seemed as if they hadn't been renovated in decades while others looked like they were built just yesterday.

With a small smile on your face, you turned back to Toge, who looked just as pleased with what no one else would call scenery.

"Sorry you have to walk all this way," you apologized.

"It's not a problem. Besides, we only ever see each other at school. This seems like a good way to hang out."

You hummed. "When do you have to be home?"

"Whenever... I don't think my parents care"

You tilted your head at the sign, wondering if he had mistaken the last word, but didn't ask about it. "There's a bakery that you should definitely try. Koko makes everything fresh."

Toge nodded, his eyes sparkling. You weren't sure if he was one for sweets, but the croissants were definitely to die for.

As you approached the town, his eyes marvelled the sign that read Chisai, surrounded by flowers and vines that no one dared to cut off because that's what made Chisai the placed that it was. A place of little things with big meanings.

You passed by it, trying not to let your eyes stray to the tall sign that read Deaf Child, while also not letting yourself looked at Toge to see how his eyes would change when he read it.

Knowing you were eons late, no one was awaiting you beneath the second tree to the right of the third tea shop, so you went straight to the bakery where Nanami was already seated by the window with his laptop on the table.

You walked in and walked up to the counter. "Two muffins, please."

Koko grinned, then failed to hide her raising brows when she saw Toge to your right. "Who's this?"

"This is Toge. Toge, this is Koko, the best baker in the world."

Her face flushed as she waved dismissively. "That's not going to get you a free muffin."

"Not for your most loyal customer?"

She scoffed and handed you a paper bag as you slid money across the counter and waved to go claim a table. You sat down and Toge sat across from you, about to remove his mask, then hesitated, his eyes darting around to each person within the bakery.

You cleared your throat and untucked your chair. "There's a better spot I want to show you."

"What spot?"

You took his hand with the one that wasn't holding the muffins and began leading him through town, earning glances from those who knew you, knowing that in town, you had three friends and certainly none of which were boys.

His eyes couldn't help but wander as well, namely at the large tree that stood tall at the centre of town with lanterns hanging from it, at the quaint shops that surrounded it, and at the school that seemed charmingly old.

You guided him to your home, but carried on down the alley and passed the stairs that led to the living space behind the shop.

Just on the outskirts of town was a hill that all Chisai kindergarteners knew of, as it was only a few paces away from the school and practically considered the yard.

School was finished, so the most you would find there is someone walking their dog while also getting a scenic view, but you found that it was empty of everything but the dying grass that came with winter.

You pulled him to the top of the hill and sat down, holding open the paper bag of muffins. He took the one that looked the worst and sat down beside you, watching darkness take over the town at the early hour.

You tapped him and pointed at the town below and his suddenly felt like the artist, gazing at something he didn't create.

The tall tree that the town surrounded now glowed from the hundreds of lanterns that hung on it, stars that had fallen from the dark sky and found home amongst the branches.

The street lights began to light up and suddenly the town was like the sky.

He turned to you. "Y/N, this is beaut—" and he stopped. You held a smile on your face, the kind he'd never seen at school, as if you were an artist gazing proudly at their painting, admiring every stroke of their brush and every hue. Your eyes held the stars, glittering with wonder; ignited.

He lowered his mask and bit on the muffin, trying to hide the smile that formed on his own face.


Toge returned home, placing his bag on the ground and sighing as he lied back on his couch.

"You're in a good mood," his mother noticed, smiling. "What's put you in a good mood?"

He smiled to himself and signed back, "Stars."

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