Horropedia, Diggers // Soulmate AU

Start from the beginning

Horropedia chuckles, you sound silly.. - you must be confused as he is -

You slowly introduced to each other, still shocked by this strange encounter. Horropedia eventually seems to notice that the situation rings a bell. It's almost as if it comes from some sort of a fictional novel or a movie -

He quickly comes to the library to find a book that describes something similar---- a book about soulmates by fate.

"That's... very cheesy." He grimaced at the title but still reads it anyway (I see that coming/ih)

Once he finds out what this is about, he later wrote to you about it.

Turns out you both write to each other at the same hour, same day of the calendar, maybe even at the same weather - but here's the shocking part... you both don't come from the same decade, nor year to be more specific.

Horropedia finds out that you're from the 70s, and you learned that he's in the 90s. It's a pretty huge era gap even.

You both honestly decided to become friends at first, like pen pals. The thought of being soulmates despite being from different eras gave you two some skepticism. So you both end up writing to each other more often while getting to know each other.

Horropedia is aware that the 70s was infamously known for the making of many iconic horror movies. So, seeing someone who watches them as well makes him eager to yapabout them as he scribbles a lot on his arm like he's texting except he is writing/lh.

He won't spoil you about the future films that would get released after though, he'll be fair about that(unless he did by accident before you knew you were from the past...--).

At some point, you eventually became so close that you both would look forward to writing to each other when their hands aren't busy. Even making each other's day by doodling silly doodles of monsters and characters from funny scenes.

Even took some initiative to talk about other kinds of interests... questioms like 'what's your favorite food? What things do you like to do? Would you like to camp someday?' And much more.

It slowly came back to your thoughts about the soulmates. Thinking about them made you feel emotional now, knowing you couldn't get to see your goofy but sweet pen pal with your own eyes.

'Oh, Horropedia... do you think what we have is impossible?'
'In what way impossible?'
'That we can talk like this, but never get to see each other - I won't get to see you... right?'
'I mean, everything can be possible! And even if i say it because i'm really dying to meet you someday-'
'Oh please...- '
'I'm serious, Y/N! I still have faith in us... I think i won't ever give up on this any time sooner either.
'I don't want to put you on the spot, Y/N, but i just want to ask... would you run away if you ever get to see my face?
'What are you, Leatherface? Michael Myers? 🤨'
'Yeah, nah!!!'

{When getting recruited}

It got a bit more gloomy after a few days of not receiving a response from your dear pen pal.

Yet, It was a surprise that you finally met the owner of the certain name you have first seen written on your arm before; Vertin.

You never thought the world and time would be this small to allow you two to cross paths at a bus stop.

"I've heard a couple of things about you from a friend." You remember hearing her say that.

"I- you know him?"

"Mr. Horropedia? Yes. The same man who invited me to investigate an infamous camp known for phemonenon cases once."

"Ah, yes. That does sound like him."

Reverse: 1999 x Reader Stuff // ONE0P1NKWhere stories live. Discover now