Chapter 62 It's too late!

  Huang Chun was very calm, looking at Liu Meili with a bit of ridicule, a bit like watching a clown, "Liu Meili, if you insist on breaking up, then I won't be polite. How old is Xiaoqiang this year? When was he born? Were you married to my son when you were pregnant with him?
  You are a third party that everyone despises. How could you have the face to stand here and accuse my son? Did you hide it from you in the first place?
  You knew he was a married man. , knowing that he has a wife and daughter, as an educated woman in the new era, even if my son really likes you, you should reject him righteously.

  If my family Jianming really forced you, you You can also sue him, don't worry, I will definitely kill the family members out of justice, so Liu Meili, let me ask you, what qualifications do you have to stand here and point fingers and be arrogant and domineering?" As

  expected of a teacher, these words came out in one go and extremely smoothly.

  After she said it, Huang Chun realized that this was what she had wanted to say for a long time.

  Over the years, it seemed as if Jianming owed her a lot. Not only Jianming owed her, but the entire Shen family seemed to owe her.

  May I ask who gave her the courage?

  Some things cannot withstand scrutiny, and some things make you angrier the more you think about them. This is the case for Huang Chun at this moment.

  She even thought that if it weren't for Liu Meili, a troublemaker, things might not be where they are today.

  If Shen Zhong hadn't come back in time today, and this idiot would have torn up his student status, then things would have really gotten out of hand.

  She couldn't imagine what that was like.

  Liu Meili didn't expect Huang Chun to say these words without mercy.

  Everyone has covered up some things, so we can just pretend they never happened and move on with peace of mind.

  When exposed to the sun one day, these dirty thoughts become disgusting.

  Just like her name, Liu Meili always likes to put a beautiful coat on herself. She has always been bossy in front of Shen Jianming, and she always feels that Shen Jianming owes her.

  If it weren't for Shen Jianming, she wouldn't be someone else's stepmother.

  I remember when she got married, her colleagues at work teased her about becoming a mother when she entered the house.

  She was really angry to death at that time.

  Naturally, for so many years in the Shen family, she has always played the role of someone who has been wronged and had to get married.

  She thought no one would ever mention this matter, but she didn't expect that it would be her mother-in-law who revealed it first.

  Liu Meili's face was full of excitement. She felt guilty at this moment. In fact, only she and Shen Jianming knew what happened back then.

  She couldn't help but look at Shen Jianming, but she didn't realize that Shen Jianming wasn't looking at her at all.

  The anxious Shen Jianming wanted to destroy the world at this time, so he had no time to care about Liu Meili.

  The love for women is based on having enough to eat and drink, and to be at leisure.

  She was so angry that she yelled, "Okay, you are burning bridges. Without our Liu family, can Shen Jianming find a good job? Can he sit in an office? Can't he work at the grassroots level as a worker?" "

  Liu Meili, you have to do something about it. I understand, my eldest brother is also a college graduate, and his graduation grades are better than yours. Why can't he sit in an office? Even if he doesn't sit in an office, isn't it good to be a worker? Factory Director Tang also rose from a worker to his current position as factory director. "Since you look down on my eldest brother so much, why did you shamelessly destroy his family and follow him? Now you are standing here accusing this and that, what have you been doing?"

  Shen Qin, who had been silent for a long time, finally found someone who could The opportunity for revenge was sprayed back without mercy.

  Liu Meili was said by Huang Chun to be able to handle it, but she didn't expect Shen Qin to humiliate her like this.

  She picked up her satchel from the table next to her, her eyes were red, and she pointed at the people in the room fiercely, "You Shen family are the most disgusting. Weren't you the ones who looked down on Luo Yufen in the first place? Shen Jianming's youngest daughter can't even connect with you Shen I have never been to my home. Isn't it because you look down on the three of them, mother and daughter? Now you are accusing me in a high-sounding way. I think it's you who are shameless. Now I think Shen Qianfei is promising and has met a big shot. I regret it. I tell you You guys, it's too late, ugh, you're a bunch of disgusting villains!"

  After Liu Meili said these words, she pushed Shen Jianming away who wanted to stop her and rushed out of the Shen family's house.

  As Liu Meili said these words, everyone in the room looked unhappy. The old man of the Shen family was okay. He actually laughed a few times, "Don't look at Liu Meili as arrogant and domineering, but sometimes he can see clearly." , Okay, don't make any more noise, don't make any more noise, Liu Meili is right, it's too late."

  He walked up to Shen Jianming, sighed, reached out and patted his shoulder, and finally softened his voice and said, "It's the fault of a son who doesn't teach his father. What you are like today has a lot to do with your father and me. It's because I, the elder, did not do well."

  Shen Jianming lived to this age, and it was the first time he encountered this situation. To be honest, his mind was not very clear and his thinking was not normal. He just felt uncomfortable and his nose was sore.

  He said in a hoarse and muffled voice, "Grandpa, what can we do now that things have reached this point?" "

  Jianming, a manly man should not only be upright, but also be honest in his heart. You don't have to recognize those two daughters, you You can stay away from them for the rest of your life, but if you divorce Luo Yufen, you are not qualified to take away all the family's savings, not to mention that you don't even raise your two daughters. The three hundred yuan should not be yours, let alone With the capital and interest, you can give it to Shen Qianfei three hundred yuan. As for the alimony, your father and I are both responsible for this matter. I have a pension, and we will pay for it. This is what we owe the Luo family. "Yes."

  Huang Chun's lips moved, but he didn't say anything, and the same was true for Shen Qin beside him.

  She and Liu Meili naturally have different ideas.

  To be honest, Shen Qianfei is very good at winning people's face now.

  The director of their unit had told her several times and asked if Shen Qianfei could make up lessons for his daughter.

  What could she say?

  I could only smile awkwardly.

  Find other excuses.

  But people have also said that even if they are divorced, it means that Liu Meili has no contact with Shen Qianfei. How come you, an aunt and niece, have no contact at all?
  Especially for such a smart and outstanding niece.

  So people don't believe it.

  In the end, she was a little resentful of Shen Qianfei. She had nothing to do but get the top prize in the provincial capital, which made her often in a dilemma.

  But even so, she didn't think she shouldn't pay child support. They were her eldest brother's biological daughters. It was normal for her eldest brother to raise them, and it didn't matter who they were born to.

  (End of chapter)

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