chapter 6

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[Night time at the Ruby palace]

I returned to the palace after that encounter. I was gonna tell athy a lot but when I returned, I was greeted with her clone. I'm pretty sure she is having her fun. But I can't say for certain if Anastacius knows about my existence. I hoped he wouldn't. Since, he met athy first. He's supposed to he athy's father not mine. Sigh. I'm so tired...

Tired my ass! Ignore that clone athy! I wanna draw! I smiled as I took out my notebook. The notebook was separated into two different parts. One part was for of course, drawing, and the second one was for planning. I opened the page to the plan side.

Hmm... I met Claude and... Athy met Anastacius before me... I read this fan fiction so long ago that I already forgot a lot of important details. But one I can't forget is that, Athy won't be returning here for the day. I suppose she'll be back later.

Enough overthinking why don't I draw? I took out my pencil and focused really hard. I used to be so good at drawing in my past life so I hope this four year old hands won't stop my passion! Maybe if I get exiled I'll use this as business! Hah! I like it! "Athania's painting center" sounds soooo nice! Now what should I draw?


After a few hours of drawing on the bed, I fell asleep.

Athy's pov:
After what seemed like torture from practicing magic with papa, yes. Papa. I guess he's kind of like a dad? At least he's much better than Claude. I was teleported back to my room and I was greeted with the sight of my sister, Athania sleeping on her notebook. This was common. I walked over to her and picked up the materials on the bed. I took a peak and saw that she drew lily. That was nice.

I wanted to check more but that was invasion of privacy. Athania didn't even rummage through my plan notebook so why would I rummage through hers? I closed her notebook and tucked myself in.

"I'll tell you what happened tomorrow... Good night Athania.." I whispered as I cuddled close to my sister.

Well the next day came and I woke up Athania.

"Good morning sister!" I beamed. She then replied in a sleepy tone. "Good morning athy.."

"Did you know what happened yesterday?" I smiled.


"I practiced how to do magic with papa!"

"Cool." She replied.

"What. Just cool?"

"I mean I can't even do magic... Teach me sometimes.." She told me while brushing her hair.

"Sure I'll do that! In fact, I'll do it right now-"


I was swooped off the palace by papa. What a wonderful way to start the morning...

Athania's pov:
"Sure I'll do that! In fact, I'll do it right now-" athy spoke as she was swooped away by the air. Probably it was Anastacius.

Oh well. In fact, I took a bath with athy's clone today and I was called by daddy.

I'm back here again.. But instead, I have Lily with me. Claude was looking at her.

"Lilian York long time no see."

"Blessings and glory to the sun of the Obelian empire." Lily greeted back.

"I haven't been paying attention to my daughter due to my duties at court." Claude started.

"But still, Athania has grown into such a healthy child. The credits belong to you." He added.

But dude what about my dear sister Athanasia? Do you really not remember her?

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